Chapter 15

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Tyler's POV
~before what happens at the restaurant-

I'm driving home after dropping Kiara off at work. I could honestly say I've never been this happy. Meeting her is something I will always be great full for.

I hear my phone ringing, so I pressed the answer button in the car without seeing who it is.

"Tyler Jacobs speaking." I said.

"My sweet boy." My mother answer. "How are you today?"

" I'm doing ok mom, just driving home. What's up?"

"Oh ok good good, well I'm calling to tell you that you have another date set up for tonight." She said proudly.

"Mom no, were still doing this. I thought I told I was done." I said exasperated.

She sighed, "no Tyler we didn't u said I don't want to do this anymore and I didn't take you seriously of course." She said.

"Well mom I found a girl that I've been seeing recently, I can't go on these dates anymore."

She scoffed, "sure Tyler I'll believe it when I see it. Your just saying that to get out of these dates." She said.

What the fuck?!

"No mom I'm serious about this." I said annoyed as hell.

She was silent for a minute, " Tyler it doesn't matter because I already paid for this date and there are no refund with this place. So you have to go on the date." She said.

"What the fuck! This is bullshit." I said.

"It can't be helped at the moment." She said. "Please do me a favor and go on this date. After this one I won't schedule anymore." She said.

"Are you sure?" I said, not trusting her because she likes to pull tricky shit.

"Yes son now go get ready, the date is at 7:30, I don't know the place yet because the young lady has to pick it." She said.

"Uh fine." I said, hanging up. I need to hurry up and get this over with so I can continue on with Kiara.

I just finished getting dressed when I got a text message. I looked over at my phone and see that's it's my mothers she must be sending me the name of the restaurant.

Mother: restaurant is Zenobia's. The place you went a couple of weeks ago.

I swear my heart just dropped. This can't be forreal. How is this happening. All I have is one more date, to deal with. And out of all the places my date can choose she chose the restaurant that the girl I really want works at. Fuck this has to be a joke. I text my mother back.

Me: are you sure it's Zenobia's?

I waited for a response. 2 minutes later she texts me back.

Mother: positive. Here this is a picture of the girl so u know who your looking for.

Mother: 1 attachment

"FUCK!" I yelled.

Ok I could just go on this date and pray she doesn't see me and then I can explain everything to her later. Y-yeah that seem like it would work.

Getting in my car, I drove back to the restaurant. The date doesn't start until 7:30 and it's 7. I sit in the parking lot hoping the girl would show up early so we can start early and finish. It was 7:10 when a car pulled into the lot and the girl named Ashley got out. Perfect, let's get this shit out of the way.

I hopped out of my car and walked up to her.

"Ashley." I said holding out my hand. "Hi I'm Tyler."

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