Chapter 30

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Kiara's POV

It's been three weeks now since Tyler got out of the hospital. He's been healing up nicely, and acting himself. The doctor told him that he didn't need to take the meds anymore because the pain he was feeling before is basically gone.

His birthday party was also a success even though he didn't want to have a party we had one anyways.

~flashback to Tyler birthday party~

"Tiffany did you get the cake?!" I yelled as she walked through the door.

"Nooo I just went to the store for nothing." She said sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes and finished putting the decorations on Tyler's dining table. Derrick and nick were coming to help put the banner and shit up because I'm not tall enough and Tiffany is just lazy as hell.

Tiffany and some guy wearing a shirt with the bakery names on it walked into the kitchen and placed the cake on the table. I ran over to make sure it was good.

"Ahhh it's perfect he's gonna love it

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"Ahhh it's perfect he's gonna love it." I said.

We ordered a bunch of food from that Italian restaurant that I love and they should be here any minute to drop off the food and that should be the last thing we have to deal with before Vivian brings Tyler back.

There was a knock on the door and I looked over to see if Tiffany would get it.

"Tiff can you answer the door?" I said.

"I'm in the bathroom you answer it." I heard her yell.

I quickly walked over to the door and opened it. I see Derrick and who I assume is nick and a women.

"Hiiii guys come in." I said. Stepping back and holding the door open.

"Kiara, how are you doing beautiful?" Derrick said pulling me into a bear hug.

"I'm doing well how bout you." I said.

"I'm doing ok actually." He said. "How's the baby?"

Nick pushed Derrick out of the way and stood in front of me. "Derrick can you stop taking up all her time, I want to meet the women that tied Tyler down." He said.

He pulled me in for a hug. "Nice to meet you Kiara, I'm nick." He said pulling back. "and this is my fiancé Cynthia."

I turned to Cynthia and gave her a hug. "Nice to meet you Cynthia."

"Nice to me you too, how far along are you?" She asked.

"I will be 7 months in a couple of day. Let me tell you I am dying." I laughed.

We were all talking and laughing when Tiffany came out of the bathroom. "I definitely just blew up that bathr-" she stopped short when se noticed all the people in the living room.

"Oh hello." She said embarrassed. She put her head down and walked into the kitchen. The door bell rang and I answered it. The food was here so all we had to do was put up the rest of the decorations.

"Hey nick and Derrick, I'll show you guys where I want the decorations to go." I said.

Nick walked over to me rubbing his hands together while Derrick just stood there staring at something. I turned around and noticed that he was staring at Tiffany while she was sorting out the food in the kitchen. Hmm well then.

"Derrick come the fuck on." Nick said.

Derrick snapped out of his trance and walked over. We got everything ready and I was super excited. Vivian texted me and informed me that they were 5 minutes away. So I told everyone to get in their hiding spot so we could surprise Tyler.

When the door open everyone jumped up and yelled happy birthday Tyler. The look on his face when he came in was priceless. I watch his face go from surprised to happy to uncomfortable in the matter of seconds.

I walked over and kissed him on his cheek. "Happy birthday daddy." I whispered In his ear.

He turned to me and captured my lips and kissed me deeply. I pulled back before he got out of control.

"Thanks babe but you didn't have to do this." He said.

"Well I wanted too." I said.

I pulled him further into the living room so that everyone could greet him. I sat down with him. I curled into his side while we sat and talked to everyone. I noticed that Derrick was following Tiffany around like a lost puppy while Tiffany kept pushing him away from her, Interesting.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I felt shift and place his hand on my belly. He rubbed my belly while he leaned over to place kisses on my neck.

"Your already up." He said in his sexy morning voice.

"Yeah I was just thinking." I replied.

"About what?"

"Your birthday."

"Mmm" he hummed falling back asleep.

I chuckled and started to get up when I felt my princess start kicking the crap out of me and I know Tyler felt cause he immediately opened his eyes.

He turned me so that I was laying flat on my back and slide down some so that he was face to face with my belly.

"Hi princess. I see your up too huh? Your probably hungry and your mommy isn't feeding you. I'm sorry baby, I'll beat her up for you don't worry." He laughed

I slapped him in the back of his head , laughing at his dumb ass.

"You heard the princess. Go make us some food peasant." I said to him.

He pulled his head back, shocked at me. He jumped up and bowed his head. "Yes my queen." He said running out of the room.

I laughed at him and got up and went to the bathroom. I decided that I would just take a shower and get ready for the day.

Once I was done showering I put on some black yoga pant and a big white tee that had Selena Quintanilla on it and stuffed my hair in a bun.

I grabbed my phone and I went down stair and saw a plate with a fat egg sandwich with some bacon sitting on it with a glass of orange juice. I groaned loudly and sat down at the table with Tyler.

"Thanks babe, you are really letting out my inner fat ass." I laughed

"Anything for you mama." He said with his mouth full.

Whew I just love when he calls me that. He started calling me that the day after his birthday, I don't know why but I'm not bout to question him.

I heard my phone ping and I picked it up seeing that it was Tiffany texting me.

Bestfriend❤️🖤: bitch.... I fucked up.

Bestfriend❤️🖤: I fucked Derrick.....

I gasped and choked on my food. I should've known this would happen.

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