Chapter 1: First Encounter

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Present time

Third-person pov

"I can't believe you dated a fuckboy and look what this leads you too, a tainted reputation! That bastard doesn't even care about you when you guys are dating!" Teresa scolded.

"Well, at least that Bitch is gonna have a drama life sooner or later. Trust me, after this he will cheat on her." Christina snarls.

"Vanessa will get what she deserves." A long curly brown hair girl poured a glass of blood.

"And Zach will probably want me back. That girl's terrible at fucking." A sinister smirk played on her lips as she drinks her glass.

"Hmm? You're not that mad or shock when he broke up with you?" Asked Chris.

"I knew all along he has been cheating behind my back with Vanessa. Don't worry, he'll get bored. They always will." She smiled.

"You never like him, do you? He's just one of your toys? You're just playing with him, and he's playing with you." Teresa said.

"I know, but he'll come back. He was shocked that time when he found out I was calm about this cheating news. He didn't play me one thing, I am the one who played him. I already figure it out that we won't last, we're just fuck buddies. Besides, we both have different tours, we will be drift apart apparently." She shrugs.

"Whatever, hope some boy can open up that cruel heart of yours. A remedy for you, to finally deal with your playerish ways." Teresa closed the newspaper and looked at her.

"Love? Pfft, don't make me laugh. Men are nothing but pigs. They treat us like shit!"

She blasted the ground with a thunderbolt.

"Sebastian!!!" She shouted.

"Yes, your highness!" The butler came in a hurry and bowed before the supreme demon.

"I need to talk to my brother. The pervert one." She commanded.

"Yes your highness, follow me." He gestured.

"You're going to see Braz? Why?" Teresa asked.

"Business stuff. We're still going to the mall later on, the plans don't change." She smirk and leave with Sebastian.


A demon in his mid-twenties is doing an experiment by pouring out a volume of liquid into the other test tube to mix with the other solution. He hears footsteps echo eerily and it's getting louder and louder by the second, he narrows his red eyes as he tries to concentrate his experiments.

"Please don't barge-"

"Braz!!!!" The queen barged into the room and shouted.

It made Braz accidentally spilt some of the liquid due to his sister's "dramatic entrance". He held in a sharp breath and put the test tubes down.

"Why do you always have to do that? That's not what doors are meant for." Braz rubbed his forehead with irritation.

"Don't give me that look! How is the research going?" She walked around the room to examine it.

"Fine, before you decided to barge in." He rolled his eyes.

"Whatever, I have a war to win and a head to decapitate." She snarls.

"And I need every deadly continent you got."

"I know you do Mitsuki, or is it Miki now? I don't know which one are you?" He smirks and adjusted his glasses.

"Cocky aren't you?"

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