Chapter 30: Bickering Over Him

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Mitsuki pov

This is not a date! This is not a date! This is not a date! I just need to keep my mind on that statement! I need to remind myself a thousand times if I had to!

"Hey, Miki! What's up- Wow! You look fantastic!" Chris came in and cried.

"Getting ready for dinner with Tsukihiko." I shrugged.

"You don't have to wear something like that." She pointed at me.

"It's fine."

Then someone knocked on my door.

"Come in, it is not locked." I said, knowing who it was already.

Tsukihiko came in, wearing a dashing extravagant suit with a black tie and a coat wrapped around him. From head to toe, he screamed perfection. His hair was the same but was nicely comb and his face...

Still the same pale abnormal skin and calm expression.

"Hey, you're ready?" He looked at me and his jaw dropped.

"What? Too much? You told me to dress sexier than yesterday and I thought-"

"No-No! You look great." He cleared his throat and looked away to the side.

"Wow! You guys look like a couple." Chris's eyes sparkled.

"Shut up! Don't spat nonsense!" I snapped.

"Seriously? If I'm in your shoes, I thought I would be dreaming. Going out with a guy like that, it's every girl's dream come true!" Chris drooled at Tsukihiko.

"Really? Well, I'm pretty sure I'm not one of the girls here. Seriously? He's married and too old for me." I rolled my eyes.


Muzan pov

"Really? Well, I'm pretty sure I'm not one of the girls here. Seriously? He's married and too old for me." She rolled her eyes.

What. In. Hell?! I'm old for her!!!

"Well, who cares about the age, so long the guy's HAWT!" Christina squealed.

"Seriously? If he's a 50 years old guy, do you still want him?" She scoffed.


"What you have against good-looking guys anyways?" Christina frowned.

Yeah, what she said!

"I don't. It's just that I don't judge a book by its cover."

"Well, you don't say the same about Zach. You dated him for the looks." She rolled her eyes.

"I know, but he's married and in his late twenties. That's fucking old for us!" Miki laughed.

What the hell?! So all this time, she's been keeping her space and denying me, not just because I'm married, but also because I'm old!!!!

This is the first time in my life a woman doesn't like me because I'm too 'old' for them. Great, if she knows actually how old I'm, she'll definitely make a fool out of me. Wait! Why do I even bother what she thinks?! She's not the only woman on earth!

"Sir! Wake up!" She snapped her fingers in front of my face and I instantly backed away and blinked a few times.

"What are you doing?!" I scowled.

"You've been dozing off the entire time. What's in your head? The woman whom you desires? Too bad, she dumped your ass!" She laughed.

I swear! If not because of my disguise, she's dead! So dead!!! Never in my entire life, someone dares to talk to me like that!!!!

"Are you done?" I glared. Then I grabbed her hand and dragged her out, and she hasn't stopped laughing.

One day, I'm going to lose my patience, and see how she'll laugh at that time.

She's probably crying blood!


Mitsuki pov

"I can drive! Just use the motorcycle!" I spat.

"I'm not getting on that thing. It screams death all over it, especially if you're the rider." He pointed at my bike.

"Howwww dareeee youuuuu!!!!" I snarled and rested my hands on each side of my hips.

"It's the truth." He shrugged.

"Well, your fake truth hurts!" I scowled.

"It's not fake! No matter what you said, I'm not getting on that thing." He said.

"Well, man up! Don't tell me you're too scared to ride a motorbike?!" I scowled.

"Shut it! I'm calling Sebastian." He took out his phone and dialled a number.

"Hey, get back here! Don't you dare turn your back on-" He interrupted me by putting his hand over my mouth.

"Sebastian, send a car over right now." He demanded.

"Hey, Sebastian is my butler! It's not your place to demand things-" I pulled his hand away and only to be interrupted again.

"It's here- What on earth?!" He shouted.

Pfft, that's my butler for you. He only knows what I want, not you. I guessed he's expecting a grand Mercedes Benz with a driver in a suit, but knowing Sebastian, who knows my style, send over a red coloured Ferrari instead.

"Just get in." I rolled my eyes.

We've been bickering for half an hour over what to drive which is fucking annoying. This guy was fusing over getting his ass on my bike! Fuck, that's what happens to stuck up rich people, expecting a grand Mercedes Benz and a driver in a suit. Hey, I don't really need a driver! I sometimes let Sebastian drive me anywhere I want to go, but most of the time, I don't need a driver to take me anywhere I want to go. Besides, Sebastian has better stuff to do like making my house actually feel like a home without Alvin's messes.

"Like hell, I'm letting you drive." He snarled.

"You can drive?" I raised an eyebrow.

"It's been a while. I can manage it." He smirked.

"Nope, I'm driving." I walked up and opened the door to the driver's seat.

"And why would I let you?" He folded his arms across his chest.

"Because." I shrugged and sat down.

"Why do I get myself involve with you?"

"Because I'm awesome." I boast while wriggling my brows.

"Stop that! It's weird and it looks terrible on you."


"You smell!"

"Of perfection!" I smirked.

"Ugh, spare me."

"Don't get me started on my perfume." I smirked, clearly enjoying how I annoyed him.

"Just get in and drive."

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