Chapter 47: Day Off Part 2

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Mitsuki pov

"That's none of your concern. If you have nothing else to do, please leave. You're disturbing our lunch." I glared.

"Aww, come on. He can't have anything to do with you. You're so ugly that you even hide your face."

"You can't judge someone just because they wear a mask."

"Oh, we can baby. Now move over and let the real girls give him the pleasure he needs." One of them shoved me away.

"Hey!" I stood up.

"So, you're single? You can't be with her, she's so-"

Tsukihiko just stood up, completely ignoring them as he wrapped an arm around my waist and intensively stared at me.

"What are you-"

He pulled me closer to him and leaned, kissing my neck. He licked it at first then he continues making out with it. I tilted my head to the side as it felt so good.

"Stop, there are people watching, and Emily..." I rolled my eyes back and panted, my hands tangled with his black hair.

"Shh, let me mark what's mine." He purred as he sucked it.

I know it's wrong to do this in public, but I love to rub it in their faces. Everyone's face turned white, some glanced away, some even looked sad. The two thick-skin girls looked pale as they watched us. I smirked and winked at them.

"So, does that proves to all of you that she's my woman or I need to go further." He glared at both of them. They didn't answer him back, just stared at him with shocking eyes.

"That's what I thought." He scoffed.

"Next time, don't make-up such nonsense right in front of me, especially if it involves my family." He snarled.

Wait what?! What did he just call us?!

"Are you done, my dear?" He caressed Emily's cheek and smiled.

"Yes." She replied and held his hand.

We left, with Emily between both of us, holding our hand, leaving a group of pale white faces behind.


"Miki, jellyfish!" Emily pointed at the jellyfish and glued her face.

"Hey, thanks for earlier." I blushed looking down.

I untied my hair and let it fell, covering the huge hickey which sat proudly on the crook of my neck.

"Don't hide it. Let everyone know what's mine." He pushed my hair away.

"But it's embarrassing." I blushed.

"As much as I love your hair down, I don't want it to cover that up." He kissed my forehead.

"Tsukihiko..." I blushed even harder as I touched the place he kissed.

"You were jealous back then, weren't you?" He smirked and a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"No-No! Who said?! I was just pissed off because of all the attention I'm receiving." I scowled.

"Really? Now that's new coming from a worldwide celebrity." Said Tsukihiko sarcastically as he rolled his eyes.

"Hey, being famous is a pain in the ass! It's not easy you know." I glared.

"I see."

Then suddenly a child crying was heard. A boy around five or six was crying like a mess, calling out for his mother. His eyes were red and his cheeks were tainted with tears. Everybody just looked at the boy or walked away like they didn't see anything, well basically no one went forward to help this poor child. Tch, Humans are so selfish!

"What a pain, I would have paid him five thousand dollars for him to keep his mouth shut." Tsukihiko scowled.

"You disgust me." I snarled.

"Oh Really? What are you going to do about it?" He mocked.

"The right thing."

I went over to the boy and tried to calm him down, by consoling him that I'll help find his mother, but if he continues to cry, he won't see his mother again. I know, I'm that cruel! Tch, kidding! He finally stopped crying and looked at me.

"You don't even know my mommy!" He narrowed his eyes.

"Of course I don't, but I know someone who might." I winked.

"Come on, I'll help you find your mother."

I did a little old magic trick, my hand went behind his ear and pulled out a coin.

"Take this as a lucky coin." I handed it to the kid.

"Cause you made a wish, and it has been granted by yours truly." I winked


"Thank you! Thank you so much!!!" The mother kept bowing her head.

"No, it's fine. It's something I'm supposed to do." I smiled.

After they left, I scooped Emily up in my arm and taught her a valuable lesson that we must try to help others if we can. She nodded and smiled, indicating that she'll remember it well.

"You're so pathetic trying to help a kid." Tsukihiko scoffed.

"Well, if that what keeps you working at night." I shrugged.

I seriously don't care what he thinks. He can criticize me all he wants, I'm not listening to his shit. He's negative mindset is not affecting me anymore!

"Yeah, it will." He snarled.

"Ugh! You know what, let's go home!" I rolled my eyes and carried Emily towards the exit, with Tsukihiko glaring behind.


No one spoke a word in the car, I looked out the window, averting my gaze from this arrogant judgmental ass. Emily was playing Candy Crush on my phone so she wasn't paying attention to the situation we are right now. Even though I stared outside of the window, I can still see his reflection, he's currently staring at me through his side of the window with my reflection. I stuck my tongue out and turned away.

"Sebastian, let's go to the shopping mall. I need to buy some clothes and groceries." I said.

"As you wish, my lady." He nodded before focusing on the road again.

"Clothes? Groceries? Don't you have maids to do that for you?" Tsukihiko raised an eyebrow.

"I prefer to act by myself thank you very much." I snarled.

"Besides, I need to take you shopping."

"What?" Tsukihiko turned around to face me as he furrowed his eyebrows.

"We're shopping for casual clothes for you," I said.

"No, turn back." He snapped.

"Nope, too late! Save it as a gift from me." I winked.

"I'd rather stay in a room with you for days." He scoffed.

"What?!" I snapped.

"Shut up." He rolled his eyes and looked away.

Ugh! That's why I hate him so much! Me and him, No way! Nuh-uh! Nope! Never!

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