Chapter 5: Whose House Does He Thinks This Is?!

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Mitsuki pov

So, this arrogant bastard thinks this is his house and he can do whatever he wants! He came into my house with his men and he looks around my house, like having a nice stroll or a tour over it and he orders his men to put his luggages and his other items into any room he likes, even worst, without my agreement!

Who the fucks does he thinks owns this house?!

His wife at least has a little moral sense! She kept on apologizing for the intrusion and her husband's attitude. Of course, I'm trying to be nice since she's so innocent, but I'm already started mentally killing her husband.

"And that's all of it. You can go back now." Tsukihiko ordered his men.

Ugh! Even this bright and sunny day, because of his disease, all the windows in the mansion got covered up, not by curtains, but with wood planks! He said he is scared if the curtains are accidentally open because of the wind. Ugh! The drama! He didn't even ask my permission to even cover them in wood planks!

He even came here like a royal king! All his servants lined up beside the red carpet and they were all holding a black umbrella, and Tsukihiko walked like a king with his family following behind him.

Oh My God! What a dramatic asshole! Good thing my siblings weren't here to witness such nonsense, or they'll be a laughing parade going on, but they know that someone will be staying at our house.

"Good, now that you are settled in. There are some rules." I tried to smile.


Tsukihiko raises an eyebrow and looks annoyed but his wife just smiles and holds his hand and intertwine their fingers.

"So, first of all, don't come into my room or my siblings whenever you want. There's this called Privacy, and don't go to the west part. Don't ask me why, and don't be curious about it and check it out. I won't hesitate to throw you out of my house. So don't test my patience. Okay?" I smiled sarcastically.

This smile is meant for Tsukihiko.

"Well, you have to be specific about why we can't go there. This house is also my property for the time being and I want-"

"Dear, why don't we just follow the rules? This is her house after all, we need to respect their privacy since they kindly let us stay for a while." His wife cut in.

Good, I swear that I could explode right now. At least I'm happy someone in his family has some moral sense in them.

The West part, is where I kept my armoury. I'm preparing for my war with the "great" Muzan. I've already send out a letter saying that there're some things going on around here so our war needs to delay and he sent me back with his agreement.

Huh? I guess he has his own stuff to worry.

Braz always stays there, and I don't want a crazy phyco scientist to starts his experiment on my guest. I knew him well, cause he has done the same thing to me, and it feels like shit! In the end, he helps me sustain and suppress my powers before I become some overpower phyco. Anyways, that's where he lives, and his experiments are also there. All the disgusting stuff, I once saw a jar full of maggots! Maggots! Ewww! Leaches, tapeworms, centipedes, and so many disgusting stuff that made my skin crawl. I don't want to frighten my guest!

"Fine, if that's what you want." He kissed her cheek.

There's something weird about him, it's like whatever he does with his family, like kiss the wife or child or hugs them...

It's like looking at a fake family...

I have been around for thousands of years and I learn how to read a person like a book, especially their eyes, that's what gave them away. You can't hide your feelings with your eyes because they show the truth.

His were cold.

No emotions, like he never loves them in the first place. Believe me, I don't believe in love, but I know how two people fall on love looks like. Their eyes sparkled, is like looking at fireworks displaying. Whatever lovey-dovey things you do or say, their eyes sparkled with pure joy and happiness.

But this family..., the wife's in love and the child looks fine, the problem is the husband. Is it forced marriage? Did he not love her when they got married? Hasn't she made him fall in love with her yet?

Whatever, this is none of my business. I shouldn't butt into things that don't concern me.

Sebastian suddenly comes over and whispers into my ear. I can't believe this!

"Well, you guys can settle in your room. I have business to take care of." I smiled and walked towards the door.

Just as I was going to open it, someone opened it for me. There he is!!!

"You!!!" I snarled.

I turn around and still see them looking at me with curiosity in their eyes. Feeling that I don't want them to know my bad intentions, I pulled him aside.

"Where the fuck did you Go?! Teresa said you took my baby plane and fly off to God who knows Where?!" I whispered and yelling at him at the same moment.

"Don't worry, KM. I didn't leave a scratch on your plane." He rolled his eyes.

"So you did take it for a ride! You don't even have a license!"

"Who cares? So long I'm still alive, that's good news." He smirks.

"And talk about mischief, why would you seal all the windows with wood planks? Are you trying to hide from Teresa that you're planning a party? Gurl, you don't have to be that exaggerating." He chuckled.

Ugh! Fucking Ass Shit!

"That's not my doing! My Boss orders It!" I complained.

"Orders? When does the "infinite" KM that I know let other people order her around? Especially in her house." He laughed.

"Shut up, or I'll tie you up on the aeroplane when I take it for a joy ride." I scowled.

"Okay, okay, I get it. So they are our new guest I presume?" He looks past me.

"Yeah, let me introduce you to them." I literally dragged him to The Kibutsujis.

"This is my brother, Alvin. Don't mind him, he's an ass." I glared at him.

"You did not just say ass in front of your boss!" He laughed so loud.

Oh, I'm fucked!

"I can see that. Nice to meet you Alvin-san. My name is Rei and this is my husband, Tsukihiko-san, and our daughter, Yumi-chan." Rei smiled.

"It is nice to meet all of you. It's going to be late and I'm pretty sure you'll meet the rest of the gang. Right MK?" He nudges my shoulder.

Ugh! He should stop calling me that in front of other people. No one knows my full name, not even my own boss, but he doesn't mind. I rather keep my life personal, including my real name, to evade the fact that enemies will come knocking down my door.

"I'm going to take a shower. You can join me whenever you want MK~" he smirked and leaned beside my ear then looked at them.

This guy has no shame!

"Yeah, yeah, just go." I pushed his face away in disgust.

"Catch you guys later." He smirks at all of us before he leaves.

"He's an interesting guy, don't you think dear?" She smiled at her husband.

Tsukihiko just calmly smiles back, and I know a fake smile when I see one.

"You have no idea." I awkwardly smiled.

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