Chapter 70: Accident On His Wedding Day

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"You look so astounding, Muzan-sama!" Gyokko complimented.

I looked myself in the mirror. I looked so nice and tidy that I don't even want to go out anymore. I bet Mitsuki's jaw will drop when she sees-

Wait! Why am I even thinking of her?!

"Yeah, the ceremony awaits." I put on a fake smile.

After this torment is over, I'll have all the money-

Now, why do I feel guilty?! It's like I'm making the biggest mistake of my life for the first time...

"Muzan-sama, is something the matter?" Asked Akaza with concern.

"Tell me, do you think I'm making the wrong decision?" I frowned.

I never question my actions before. I believe whatever I do was right, but this time, my hearts felt so heavy...

"I think not. I'm sure Mitsuki-san will agree with you too." He answered sincerely.

"Talk about Mitsuki, I hope she arrives soon. I wonder what's taking her so long?" Koku wondered.

"What? You made her your date for my wedding?" I frowned.

"Oh yes. She said she'll be arriving fifteen minutes ago." He replied.

That made my blood boil.

"I wonder what do you even see in that brat!" I spat.

"I'm sorry Muzan-sama, but Mitsuki is the best woman I have ever encountered. She's brave and strong. She may be a brat like you said, but that's what makes her unique and amazing. She can be shockingly smart and cunning, and sadistic, also fun and caring. She always respects and takes care of her friends and family. She's independent to face many difficulties on her own, she does not rely on anyone other than herself. Even though she likes to goof around and addicted to sex, but she really is a nice demon when she wants to be, and she can also be mean and dangerous whenever there's dangerous or a threat." Said Koku dreamily.

That's when it shocked me...

I never realised that part of her. Now come to think of it...

"Call off the wedding." I instructed.

"What?! Why?!" All of them shouted.

"I'm really sorry Mr Kibutsuji, but-"

"Fine, I'll just have to do it myself." I growled and left.


"I don't know where's Mitsuki, but the wedding is starting." Koku mumbled.

My heart beats rapidly as the music was played and everyone stood up when the doors were opened and the bride slowly walked down the aisle. Her head was lowered but a smile was formed on her lips. She stood by me and smiled as she blushed.

Wow, I can't wait to ruin it all.

"We are all gathered today to witness these two souls bound together by the power of love. Now the vows-"

"Stop the fucking wedding!"

Everyone gasped and turned their heads to the owner of the voice. Thank you! I don't have to go through all that trouble to-

Oh, it's Mr Smith. I take it all back.

"What the fuck, Zach?!" Vanessa screamed and threw her bouquet of flowers on the floor.

"I just received a terrible news that some of your guests just had an accident and was taken to the hospital." He shouted.

"So?!" Vanessa snapped.

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