Chapter 71: Hope In Sorrow

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"I'm sorry, we can't save her." The surgeon came out and told us the bad news as he shook his head disappointedly.


"Well, I'm sure you didn't work hard enough! So, you better get back in there and make sure she stays alive!" I shouted.

"Muzan..." Teresa rested a hand on my shoulder.

"Don't touch me. I said get back in there and electrocute her until she lives! Don't make me tear this useless hospital down!" I screamed at the surgeon's face.

"Sir, I know you are facing a tremendous loss, but please stop your threats and yelling, this is a hospital and there are other patients who need their peace and quiet to-"

I immediately grabbed his throat and without a second thought, I crushed his windpipe. I let go and the surgeon corpse lifelessly dropped on the ground.

"Don't give me that piece of crap." I snarled.

"Oh My God! Muzan, you did not just kill him!" Teresa shouted.

"Do you know what you have done?! It's a good thing no one is here, especially Zach or-"

I shot both of them a glare and they immediately stayed silence.

"I'll deal with this." Braz sighed as he adjusted his glasses.

"Get rid of it, my suit reeks of death." I scowled and went inside.


A plain white cloth covering the shape of a dead body. I held in a sharp breath as I felt like my heart just stopped and a huge lump in my throat. I slowly walked towards it, and every step I took, my heart felt heavier and heavier.

I stood next to it as I reached my trembling hands out reluctantly. Even though knowing what's waiting for me underneath that white sheet, but I still wanted to see her one last time before she's transferred into a morgue.

I slowly pulled it away, revealing a corpse of a woman.

My heart fell and my eyes widened as my lips parted and I held in a sharp breath.

What's this...

My vision started to blur as liquid unintentionally rolled down my cheeks. I touched the liquid and I can't believe my eyes...

It's tears...

I quickly wiped them away and told myself countless times to pull it together.

Mitsuki was dead. No heartbeat. No pulse. No breathing. She laid there, lifeless and it was an unbearable sight.

She looked so damn peaceful for a girl who just died!

Her skin was pale white and her lips were dried. Eyes closed as if they would never open again. Her curly brunette was untied and fell majestically on her fair skin.

"My love, what they have done to you?" I caressed her fair skin.

"You must have suffered an unspeakable agony." I held her soft fair lifeless hand, which I wished it would intertwine with my fingers again and give it a light squeeze, indicating that she's still alive.

"Mitsu, w-why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"Ironically, I realised I have fallen for you on my wedding day and the day of your unpredictable death." I continued.

"I love you. I know saying this now is too late but I just had to. I love you, not because you're my first love or a badass celebrity brat, and especially not because you're Miki, or Mitsuko or even the Mitsu I knew thousands of years ago. I love you because you're the one and only Kazuki Mitsuki. No matter which form you take, a bratty slut or even a sadistic hot woman, I would always love you, no matter what." I confessed, caressing her face.

"I want to cancel off this wedding so I can have you in my arms, but I guessed I was too late. I'm so sorry, my selfishness and pride got the best of me. If it wasn't because of it, you wouldn't even be lying here right now." I blamed myself.

Blaming myself of someone's death, and even mourn for it, this isn't me.

"For someone who had gone through an accident looks rather quite weird." I looked around her body, checking if there were any wounds, but I couldn't find one. It's like her body was clean without any wounds or cuts for a human who just went through an accident and died.

"Something's wrong." I mumbled.

I checked her pulse again, with no pulse. She's not breathing, and neither her heart was beating. Could she have the power to heal herself? I used my natural abilities to see if I'm corrected.

Her cells weren't damaged at all.

In fact, some of them are still demonic, but very few. My eyes lit up, there's still hope for this girl.

I immediately opened her mouth and I leaned in, I placed a soft kiss on her dried pale lips before transferring my blood into her with a long wishful kiss.


"You did what?!" Teresa and Alvin yelled.

"Hey, don't you dare yell at him like that." Koku snarled.

"Do you even think this through when you transferred your blood into her body and she might die cause of the huge amount you gave her and her body can't take it. She can just die even more worst than this!" Alvin shouted.

"Mitsuki is cursed, not had an accident! She's the only one flew right out of the car! No matter what you do, she's still cursed to die until we found the antidote." Teresa exclaimed.

"If any one of you voices out your worthless thoughts again, there'll be another 'accident' here in this room." I snapped.

They went silent.

"I know what I did, but what are the chances we have. There's hope for her and I rather grab on to it before it's too late." I sighed, looking down at the corpse.

"I know, but it's been hours already and she's not waking up. Maybe it didn't work." Said Alvin sadly.

"I can wait here for the whole century if I had to." I snapped.

"You're just being dramatic." Teresa rolled her eyes.

"Hey, guys, what's up?" Braz and Chris came in.

"Saying goodbye to our sis. Where's Zach?"

"He went home. He almost knows about me being a demon, so I compelled him to forget and go home and tomorrow's a brand new day." Answered Chris.

"I heard you guys fighting from outside. Is this true?" Asked Brad as his gaze landed on me.

"Yes." I bluntly replied.

"Are you insane?!" Chris snapped.

"I was when she's dropped dead." I snarled.

"Wait! I saw her fingertips moved!" Teresa yelled and we all quickly went by her side.

Suddenly, her eyebrows moved down and closer together, like she's mad.

"She's moving."

"She's waking up."

That's when her eyes snapped opened and it was plum red and her pupils were vertical like cat eyes...

She's alive and awake!

She looked at us with her brows furrowed, and she asked the most unpredictable question that shattered my joy.

"Who are you, people?"

My Boss Is A 1000Years Old Demon Lord|| Muzan X Mitsuki|| Kimetsu No YaibaWhere stories live. Discover now