Chapter 16: I Don't Want This!

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Warning Smut!!!
Mitsuki pov

"Now spit it! What do you want from me?" I snapped.

"You screamed at me. Accused me that I'm some dead zombie from some Michael guy and you hit me hard with a pillow. Aren't you going to say sorry for that, princess?" His glare was cold and so was his voice.

"I'm sorry sir. It won't happen again." I apologised.

Ugh! I just want to get this over with!

"Not sincere enough. Again." He ordered.

Fine! Since this is my fault, I resist!

"I'm sooooo sorry sir. I promise it won't happen again." I bowed.

"Not sincere enough. I want you to prostrate yourself and apologise." He ordered.

What the fuck?! Hey dude! I am lowering my pride and dignity already and it is still not enough for you?! I'm not going through that level of shame! I'm superior for Godness sake!

"Aren't you satisfy sir? I already sincerely apologized to you. You don't have to order me around on how I should apologize!" I scowled.

"Fine then. You don't want to prostrate yourself, then come and satisfy me." He smirked.

Wait What?! It better be not what I am thinking!

"Umm sir, I didn't quite catch that." I said awkwardly.

"Satisfy me." He ordered again.

"But sir-"

"Don't make me go over there and spank you. Come here and satisfy me, or you haven't watched enough pornography to know what it means?" He snapped.

"You! How did you-"

"I told you I know everything princess." He smirked.

He can't! Something is wrong! He has people behind his back watching me?! That's so gross!

I can't do this. He has a wife and he's marr-

He suddenly stood up and walked towards me at a very fast pace. I was dumbfounded to react as he threw me over his shoulder and started spanking my ass while he walked back towards his seat.

Wait What?!

"Sir! What are you- Ouch! Stop that!" I struggled as he spanked me more.

Then he pushed his things away in one swift moment and placed me down on his desk.

"You'll learn when someone doesn't follow my orders, they'll get punish." He smirked evilly.

No! I don't want this! I don't want to cheat on my friend's husband! I tried to struggle but he's too strong. Fuck I can't use my powers or I will be exposed!

That's when he kissed me, on the lips! He bit my lip and he tasted my blood. I was beyond disgusted.

"You taste sweet, princess. Can't wait to eat you down there." He smirked and continue kissing me.

My eyes were full of horror. Am I being raped by my friend's husband? Why can't I move? My body was like being hypnotized or something.

"You little whore. Don't you know how to kiss back?!" He slapped me.

Then he kissed my neck and took off my clothes, and I can't do anything because I was too vulnerable. In within minutes, I was naked underneath him.

His eyes roamed my body with lust that it finally made me turned on. Fuck! It shouldn't be like This! This was so wrong on so many levels! What can I say? Having a handsome guy with a well-tone body fucking you is just hot! Yes! I admit it! He's good-looking for God sake!

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