Chapter 74: Dickhead

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"I have never been so Violated in my life!" I said disgustingly as I wrapped myself with my hands.

"You slept with men and you call this violation?" Muzan raised an eyebrow.

"You Pervert! I stink like you! I smell like you! I have your stench! How is that not a violation?!" I shouted.

"So what are you going to do?! Sue me?!" He grabbed my wrist and turned me around.

"No! Don't touch me! You have already done enough damage!" I screamed.

"I let you live!"

"Then you should just let me die in peace!"

"You know I can't do that." His eyes saddened.

"Let go of me!" I struggled.

"Look at me! Just look at me!" He struggled to keep me in his arms and he cupped my face.

"I found you over centuries of suffering and bloodshed, and I'm not letting you go so that easily." He scowled.

"Tch, when does the infinite Muzan turned into a yandere?" I raised an eyebrow.


"You were a tsundere before, now you're becoming a yandere. Don't give that look! It's super obvious!" I narrowed my eyes.

"Mitsu, I-"

His phone rang.

"You should get that." I turned away.

He sighed and answered it. I tried to calm myself down, but I heard shouting from him. He looked pretty pissed off for some reason. I wonder who is he yelling. Being curious, I eavesdropped their conversation.

"I never touched you! How the hell can you be pregnant?!" He shouted.

What the fuck?! He impregnate somebody?!

"I told you, the wedding is off! So what if you're pregnant?! I'm pretty sure the child isn't even mine to begin with!"

Vanessa! Figures.

"You can do a test for all I care! Point is, we're not getting back together!" He hung up.

"You slept with her?" I raised an eyebrow.

He sighed and turned around, he had a guilty look.

"I didn't screw her up. Mitsuki, I didn't even sleep there the whole time." He said.

"Right, I forgot you don't actually sleep." I said sarcastically.

"I'm serious! Unlike you, I don't simply submit myself to anyone!"

"Me?! Oh, so this is about me now?! Are you still not over the fact that I hooked up with men?! Well, news flash! I haven't slept with anyone in months, and it's all your fault!" I shouted.

"My fault? Who is the one who loves to spread her legs to any good-looking men?!"

"Well get over with it! Blame it on my stinking hormones!"

"Stop shouting! I literally can hear both of you arguing about sex right now!" Teresa's voice boomed through next door.

"Well, why don't you come out here and have a threesome with me?!" I shouted back.

"The fuck?! I'm not getting on to a bed with either of you!" She screamed back.

"Mitsuki!" Muzan shouted.

"What?! Now you can read my mind and know what I am going to-"

He walked towards me and wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer. He smashed his lips against mines.

"Shut up." He gave a hard slap on my ass.

"Hey!" I yelped.

"Kiss me back or you're dead." He pulled back and whispered dangerously at me.

"Why? Feeling sexual frustrated that I never kissed you back for a long time?" I smirked.

"Don't make me force you to moan my name." He glared.

I smiled and leaned in. Just our lips brushed against each other, the door knocked.

"Your highness, Lucky was already fed." Said Sebastian behind those doors.

I completely pulled myself away from him and adjusted myself. Muzan had that very pissed off scowl all over his face. I ordered Sebastian to bring my dog in. Sebastian opened the door and my dog wags his tail in, his tongue dangled and he's panting heavily.

"There you are!" I squat down and opened my arms and my dog ran to me.

"Aww, who is a good boy?! You're a good boy!" I hugged him and caressed his furry body.

"One day I'm going to kill that dog."

"What was that?" I snapped as I turned and glared at Muzan.

"Nothing. I'll just leave you two alone." He smiled and left.

Pft, he thinks he can steal my dog?! Nice try?! I'm going to buy 10 more if he kills this one! Then I'll buy 20 if he kills the last 10 ones!

The cycle goes on!


"Do you think he will stop bothering me if I say I was lesbian?" I smirked.

"No. It's pretty obvious you're not." Chris spat.

"Then which one of you girls is going to be my kissing dummy?" I smirked.

"No." Teresa glared.

"Fuck No! I have a boyfriend and I didn't know you have the guts to kiss girls?!" Chris scowled.

"Pft, I can do anything I want. I just don't want him to bother me anymore!" I snapped.

"Muzan is bothering you?" Teresa raised an eyebrow.

"Yes! That dick head has the audacity to come and annoy me for at least two times a day, and we ended up trying to kill each other in the end!" I scowled.

"There's one simple solution to this matter." Said Chris seriously.

"And what's that?" I frowned.

"Confess your feelings and tell that man how much you love him!"

"Eww, fuck no! Besides, I like someone else. There's no way on earth I like-"

"Who's the lucky guy whom I'm going to kill later?"

Suddenly a cold voice sounded in the room and sent a shiver down our spines. Great, why does everyone in this house does it have to be him?!

"It's not a he, it's a she. I'm les." I smiled, trying to dodge the bullet.

"You're not a lesbian. I'm not born yesterday." Muzan glared right through my soul.

"Now tell me who is the lucky bastard that I'm going to slaughter?" He smiled sweetly.

"There's no one! I don't like anyone!"

"Is it Zachary?" He growled.

"Hey! Zach is my boyfriend!" Chris snapped.

"Then is the other guy? His friend, is it?"

"Eww! John is fucking gay!" I gagged.


The whole room went silent. Yes, I like Kokushibou! That guy treats me God damn well, like a queen. Unlike this asshole who only knows how to anger me.

"Great. So it's one of my superior underlings. One of my trustworthy demons turns out to be my love rival." He scoffed.

"Muzan, I-"

"You'll never see him again!" He roared and stormed off, leaving me dumbfounded to even speak.

What. The. Fuck.

Who does he think he is to control my love life?!

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