Chapter 89: Cautious

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"That was amazing, my lord." I laughed as I breathlessly flopped beside him.

"This is my first time having sensationally soft sex." He wrapped his arms around me and smiled.

"Me too." I laughed.

"And you just made me underestimated it. It actually does feel amazing." He chuckled breathlessly.

"Hey, didn't you use a condom?" I frowned.

"Love, I never use condoms." He chuckled

"WHAT?!" I screamed.

"You are not on pill?" He frowned.

"No! Not today!"

"Well, that's what makes it special I guess." He smirked.

"What the fuck?! Muzan this isn't a joke! I could be pregnant!" I bellowed.

"So?" He raised an eyebrow.

"So?! I don't want to be a mom!"

"Don't you want a family with me?" He looked hurt.

"No!" I honestly replied.

"Why?" He frowned.

"Because I'm not ready for a family yet." I said softly.

"Well, I'm sure you'll be a proud mother." He said confidently.

"Tch, says the bastard who decided to break up with me in five seconds." I scoffed.

"That was you."

"Shut up! I'm having a crisis here and it is all Your Fault!"

"My fault?" He frowned.

"Dude, please use a condom every time you decided to fuck someone!"

"Mitsuki, calm down."

"I'm calm!"

"You're shouting and the whole house hears you. How's that calm?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Well, how can I be when I know you don't fucking wear condoms and I'm maybe 100 per cent pregnant!"

"Look at me." He cupped my face and forced me to look at him.

"You're going to be a great mother." He stated.

"But what if I'm not. I'm to fuck up to be one."

"You still have me. No matter how messed up you are, always remember that I love you and I'll be here with you to face anything that comes in your way." He said softly.

"I love you too, and you're right, I shouldn't be scared if you're here with me." I wrapped my arms around him and smiled.

"Good, if the baby comes, we are going to be ready." He smiled and kissed my forehead.

I know he's happy to start a real family with me, but please let God hear my prayers

I don't want to be pregnant.


"My eyes!!!!" Alvin cried as he covered his eyes in disgust.

"Just so you know, the two of you dating is still so fucking wrong." Teresa sneered.

"Really? I think it's cute." Said Chris.

"That's because you are in a relationship! How do you feel being single and watching this horror?" Teresa snarled.

"Maybe Teresa should get a sugar daddy like you." Alvin smirked and eyed at me.

"Pardon?" Muzan frowned.

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