Chapter 17: Bike Race And Meeting The Upper-Moons

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Mitsuki pov

What the Fuck?! This is my first time in my whole life, someone actually rejected me for sex! Okay, we still do it, but not all the way and that doesn't count! He gets to come while I am almost there and he just had to pull out! Ugh! So fucking frustrating! I am going to give him a piece of my mind!

So I finish off by myself and wore back my clothes. After that, I went hunting for that prick and I found him in the kitchen making a cup of hot chocolate. It smells really nice, but I'm too fucking angry to care.

"Sir, we need to talk!" I folded my arms across my chest.

"Go on, and before you do, here." He handed me the drink.

I was dumbstruck. Did he just make me a cup of hot chocolate, after half-way sex? Did he think he can bribe with this, giving me this nice charade? Yeah, I'm not falling for it!

"Thanks." I took the cup and gulped it down in one go.

"Careful, it's hot."

"I know that."

Cause it doesn't affect me.

"You're a fucking bastard! Cheater! Son of a bitch! Asshole! Fucking-"

"Are you done?" He raised an eyebrow.

"No!" I handed him the cup and he just throws it into the dustbin.

"What the fuck was that?!" I shouted softly cause I don't want to wake up my siblings who were sleeping in the living room.

"I bedded with you for the sake of fun. Just let go of the feeling of stress, that's all. No hard feelings." He shrugged like it was nothing.

"Okay first, you can't just walk away during fucking me half-way when the fact that I almost come. Second, you're the one who forced me into this! Third, you did not just throw my cup away!"

"Wow, you nag a lot." He said in a boring tone.

"Fuck you! Whatever that was, it was a mistake" I said.

"Pardon?" He snapped.

"Yeah I said it, it was a mistake." I scowled.

"So you think you get to decide whether it is a mistake or not, huh?" He scowled.

"Yeah, cause that's my cup."

Tsukihiko looked at me like I'm the dumbest being on earth. What does he take me for?! You can't just throw a cup once you just used it! That's so unreasonable.

"I believe we're not on the same page here." He raised his eyebrow.

"You know what, just forget about the cup! I want to ask you what was that all about back 15 minutes ago?!"

"There's nothing to talk about." He said calmly.

"There Is!"

"You fail to please me."

"W-What?!" I almost screamed.

"You're terrible at sex." He said it again.

"You- But- I- You know what?! You're not even worth It! I'm going out for some air!" I turned around but only to be turned back again by him.

"Where do you think you're going at this late hour, princess?"

"None of your fucking business." I snapped as I pushed him away and turned to leave.

"Indeed it is not."

That's what I heard before I left him completely alone in the kitchen. Feeling his gaze towards me and a devilish smirk that I just wished to slap it off his face.

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