Chapter 42: Taking Responsibility

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Mitsuki pov

After we bickered our way back home, I just have to bump into another drama again.

"Hey, baby girl-"

"What the fuck are you doing here?!" I yelled.

"I'm just going to go and give both of you some space." Tsukihiko excused himself.

"Look, I know you're mad-"

"Where's Chris?" I snapped.

"Inside the house." He answered.

I grabbed his hand and dragged him inside. My siblings were talking and having fun watching Netflix. Once I slammed the door behind me, all of them turned their attention to me. Eyes widened as their face scrunched up.

They started yelling. Well, basically is Teresa and Alvin, Chris just looked shocked.

"Quiet! I brought him in, so if anyone of you is complaining is doubting my decisions!" I snapped and all of them shut up, but Zach received many glares from them.

"So, what do you want?" I asked.

"Look, I know l messed up, big time."

"You did."


Everyone nodded in agreement.

"So, I'm here to take responsibility for the baby."

Wow! Everyone's jaw dropped cause no one expected those words to come out from a fuck boy. Responsibility? Ha! Don't get me started on that shit!

"I don't believe it." I spat

"Neither do I." Chris agreed.

"We know what you Are." Teresa snarled.

"You are born heartless in a volcano like a demon." Said Alvin

"Yeah." I agree

We all nodded in agreement again.

"I know you don't like me Miki. I knew it from the start you're just playing with me, leading me on. So, I am moving on! If you have any feelings for me now, too late, mine are gone!" He scowled.

"Oh, okay." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Wait What?" Zach looked at me.

"You moved on. That's great! Say I have a sister you accidentally fucked and you have to pay her with your life. So, a date? Maybe you two-"

"I can't believe it! For all this time we've been together, from the first time we met, don't you feel anything for me, not even once?!" Zach grabbed my shoulders and shook me.

"That doesn't matter any more. What matters is how you'll pay for my sister's life!" I slapped his hands away from my shoulders.

"Dude, you got played by a girl. Karma is a Bitch!" Alvin laughed.

"Wow, now I know how it felt like breaking their hearts." Zach stared at me with disbelief.

"I know, that's Karma." Said Teresa.

"Whatever, I am setting up a date for the two of you and you must be there, or else I'm going to skin you alive." I said it in a scary tone.

"Miki, come on. Don't tell me it's over between us." He grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers.

"How you love screaming my name when I fucked you good." He smirked.

"I'm sorry, but it's over. You broke my heart and my trust when I found out what you did. I know I never loved you and all, but I loved you as my friend and I care about you. So the fact that you betrayed me just- It's over." I pulled my hand away.

"Now all you have to think about is the future of your child with Chris, not us anymore." I said.

"Miki, you know I love you, and only you. You're the only one that understands me so much." He hugged me.

"I'm sorry, but that's not love. You're just lonely that's all. If you loved me, you would have to trust me than believing those shitty rumours, and all of this shouldn't have happened." I said.

"It's over, you need to start accepting facts and start over. Chris isn't so bad as well. She's a nice and fun girl. Give her a chance. Stop drowning yourself in the past and keep on chasing me. I don't want to love, and I never believe it from the start." I pushed him away and walked past him.

"I'll leave this to you." I patted on Teresa's shoulder and walked away.


"You smoke?"

I turned my head and saw Tsukihiko leaning against the wall, glaring at me, with his arms across his chest.

"What are you doing here?" I breathed out.

"You see when two people fell deeply in love with each other-"

"You know what I mean!" I laughed. He's using the same joke as I used to weeks ago.

"I thought I came here to check on you, but I see I shouldn't ruin your fun." He said.

"Check on me?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I heard everything. That was really stupid of you to say you don't love him." He glared.

"Hey! I'm just telling the truth."

"You could have to lie your way out of this and make things less awkward for you. Now he has a bad impression on you." He scowled.

"If I lied to him, the chances of Zach and Chris together will be busted! Besides, I can't let him chase after the wrong girl any more."

"So ending things and pushing him to love someone else is your other option?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Do you know how restless you are?" He walked towards me.

"And give me that!" He snatched away my cigarette.

"Tch, don't tell me you don't smoke?" I sneered.

"I don't. I don't go around wasting my life smoking around, killing myself with this! Do you know how impulsive you're being?" He scowled.

"What? You're scared of death?" I mocked, which was a terrible mistake.

"What did you just say?" He snapped at me as his eyes widened. The tension becomes very serious, I guessed he has some issues about death as I have about monsters.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have said that." I quickly apologised. Something about him right now made me felt dangerous, and I don't want to cross that line even further.

"You think a sorry is going to save you?" He snapped.


Then he suddenly grabbed my throat and his gripped tighten. Ugh! Now I have to act like I'm being choked.

"Tsukihiko, I'm-l'm sorry." I tried to form words out of my mouth.

"Sorry for what, princess?" He tighten his grip even more, making me harder for me to breath, but I have to act it all out, cause I don't die by being choked.

"Sorry for angering You! Sorry for saying stuff that I'm not supposed to say!" I rolled my eyes back to my head.

"Good girl." He let me and I dropped myself on the floor, panting and catching my throat.

"I don't want to see it happened the next time, princess, cause then, you won't be so lucky." He walked away, leaving me clenching my fist.

What's his problem?!

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