Chapter 32: Haunted by One Another

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Warning little bit of smut!
Mitsuki pov

I drove back home, leaving Tsukihiko at the restaurant. I don't care, he's rich and he has my butler's number, he'll figure something up. He's a narcissistic smart ass anyway.

I called Zach and asked him to see me. I need a shoulder to lean on right now.

"I'll come by after l finish this." He said.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Trying these cool shirts Chris designed for me. Anyways, it will take about five minutes. I'll be there as soon as possible. Wait for me baby girl." I can feel him grinning on the other line.

"Okay, love you, Zach." I smiled.

"Love you too, Miki." He hangs up.

Now I feel a thousand times more guilty, even if I knew I'm heartless. I'm taking advantage of his love. I'm a terrible person. What am I saying, I'm cursed when I was born. That's why bad things happen to me or I'll end up hurting the ones I love and make them suffer.

Teresa is right. I can't lead him on like this any longer. I'll find the right time to break up with him, but in the meantime, I need to make him fall out of love.

I unlocked the door and walked in. I went upstairs to check up on Emily first. I knocked on her door and turned the doorknob. Emily was sitting on a rocking chair with a book in her hands. Her face lit up when she saw me.

"Miki!" She put her book down and got down from the rocking chair and ran towards me.

"Hello, little angel. How was your day?" I lifted her up in my arms.

"Boring. You don't like me anymore." She pouted.

"Who said that? Of course, I do! It's just I'm busy these past few days, doesn't mean I'll neglect you." I kissed her cheek.

"Neglect?" She tilted her head in confusion.

"It means uncared." I replied.

"Oooh, okay. I'm tired." She yawned.

"I'll be here. Go to sleep."

I put her down on her bed and she cuddled up with me. Her head rested on my chest and a huge smile on her face. Slowly her eyelids starting to drop as I hummed a song, and she fell asleep. I tuck her in and kissed her forehead.

"You'll definitely be a wonderful mother."

I turned around and saw Zach leaning against the door frame and smirking at me.

"What? Don't tell me you want to have kids?" I joked.

What am I saying?!

"One day, you'll see."

I walked over and gave him a middle finger, before closing her door.


"Shit! I'm cuming!" I moaned, arching my back and closed my eyes as we fucked on the kitchen counter.

"Cum." He ordered and I did, moaning his name out loud.

Then he released inside me. We were a panting mess. I opened my eyes and I wanted to puke as I saw the guy that I had sex with.


"Hey, what's wrong?"

I snapped back into reality and see Zach's worry eyes.

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