Chapter 53: Sleep With Me

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Warning! Little smut!

"Starbucks taste good after a long earful of scolding and insults!" I moaned as I took a huge sip.

"He scolded you?" Alvin raised an eyebrow and smirked.

"Ya think?!" I gave him a look.

"Anyways, take care of Chris for me." I kissed his cheek.

"Night." I smiled, taking my drink upstairs.

"Night." He looked bewildered as he touched the cheek I kissed.

I went upstairs to my room and guessed who I bumped into? Tsukihiko, leaning against my door with his arms across his chest and an annoyed look as he waited for me for so long.

"Um, can you scowl somewhere else but not here. You are going to contaminate my door with your fragrant smell." I snarled.

"Shut up, and follow me. You are sleeping with me tonight." He scowled before walking towards me, grabbed my wrist and dragged me to his room while I kept struggling to get free but failed.

"What do you mean sleeping with you?! Don't you have work like always?!" I snapped.

"Miraculously, no." He smirked.

"I can't sleep with you! That's wrong on so many levels!" I shouted.

"That's an order."

"Still! I can't-"

"Dare to voice out your opinion again, and I'll make you serve me the whole month!" He raised his voice.

I was beyond shocked, but I never say anything again. He never raised his voice, especially at me. I guessed I crossed the line, he was very mad when I destroyed the party.

We went into his room and he finally let go of my wrist. It hurts and it has red marks on it. I glared at him and silently healed myself when he's not looking. He walked towards his closet and pulled out a white collared shirt with long sleeves, he placed it on his bed and ordered me to change into that. My face turned bright red as I stared at the shirt he gave me. Seriously?!

"Then, turn away! I'm not changing it in front of you!" I snarled and he just scoffed and turned around, changing too.

I yelped and turned around and quickly changed before he does something perverted. Once I'm done, I took a peep and my jaw dropped as I saw his back facing me, but shirtless and a towel wrapped around his lower body.

"I-I am done." I said looking away.

He turned around and his eyes widened but then he looked away, trying to hide the blush.

"I'm going for a shower. Don't do anything irrational, cause I'll kill you." He warned before going into the bathroom.

Tch, I wish I could.



I turned the tap and warm water came pouring down on me. It felt good and relaxing, but my mind was elsewhere. I can't stop thinking about that brat looking hot and sexy in one of my shirts, a thousand dollars shirt that she better not ruin it!

He body was perfect, her boobs were perfectly round and not saggy or not too big or small. A perfect size for any men to drool over, but that doesn't interest me. Her curves, ass, legs, thighs were all perfectly flawless. Dang it, I couldn't even get that image off my mind.

What am I thinking? I should be thinking of Mitsuki but here I am, trying to get my mind off another low-life mortal woman!

What does she possess that is making me lose my mind?! Her beauty? She isn't the most beautiful woman I encounter! Her body? I've seen a lot in a brothel! Her attitude? Ugh, don't get me started on that!

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