Chapter 50: Valentine's Day Sucks!

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Mitsuki pov

"Happy Valentine's Day Bitches!!!" I burst through the door and shouted at my siblings.

"Wow, nice dramatic entrance." Tsukihiko walked past me as he scoffed.

"Thank you, sir. I'm glamorous after all." I gloated as I held my chin high up.

"So, what happened to you? You look extremely happy on Valentine's day. The day when you have to suffer from eating chocolates." Teresa asked as she smirked.

"You're right! A day to suffer from chocolates so..." I clapped my hands and Sebastian came in with a violin case.

"I dedicated a song for all of you to enjoy your breakfast." I smiled.

Fuck my heart for being this happy because of that fucking kiss!

"What have you done to our sister?" Alvin raised an eyebrow.

I scoffed then eyed Tsukihiko, he's staring at me but as he spots me catching him, he looked down his phone again. That guy seriously needs to stop working!

"My lady, Lucky is here." Sebastian brought Lucky in.

"Eww! This is a dining room! Don't just bring-"

I glared at Teresa and she immediately shut up.

"Come on, let's eat." I scooped the lazy dog in my arms and took him away.


"Hey, guys!" I hugged John and Zach and the others.

"Happy Valentine's Day You Bitch!" All of them shouted at the same time.

"Happy Valentine's Day Bastards!" I shouted patted their backs.

"Oh yeah, here you go." I handed them both chocolates.

"Thanks, MK."
"Thanks, baby girl."

"Hey, don't call me that anymore. You have a new girlfriend." I nudged his shoulder.

"Yet." Zach added.

"But will be!" I smirked.

"Miki, come on." Tsukihiko called me.

"Oh, gotta go." I waved.

"To where?"

"I'm spending a whole day being his P.A." I smiled.

"And you liked it?" John frowned.

"Now, I never said that." I glared before leaving and walked towards the elevator with Tsukihiko.


"Are you seriously watching porn in my office?" Tsukihiko raised an eyebrow.

"Hey! I have nothing else to do alright! I'm not going to sit here and wait for 24 hours until you're done, and this is not porn! It's Game of Thrones! I bet myself to at least finish one season today." I scowled.

"Really? Then why am I seeing them fucking each other?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Again! Not. Porn. Oh FYI, gotta tell Teresa, Jon Snow is fucking hawt!" I texted her.

"Whatever, just put that thing down. We're going out for lunch." He stood up.

"Oh okay. Wait, I thought you can't expose to the sunlight?"

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