Chapter 22: Hangout Part 2

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Muzan pov

I splashed some tap water onto my face before taking a piece of tissue from the wall and wiped my face. I heaved a deep sighed and looked myself in the mirror.

That girl's words kept repeating in my head, and it's utterly annoying.

Friends? I don't need friends. My whole life, I conquer, I slaughter, l torment, I did many unforgivable sins. Who wants a demon like that for a friend?

Despite she doesn't know what I am yet, I still treated her horribly, and yet she considers me as a friend. Did she not get the message from yesterday? How is that reasonable? I literally threatened her because if she exposed me. I never had friends, but I'm not stupid enough to know that's not how friends treat each other.

Still, she considers me as her friend?

Wait, I do have one before, Mitsuki. Our friendship blossom into a relationship. I can consider that.

I walked out from the men's bathroom and was bewildered to find Miki waiting for me. She's leaning against the wall with her headphones on and her arms folded across her chest. Her eyes are closed, so I went over and tapped on her shoulder. She opened them and smiled. She stood up straight and took off her headphones and hung them around her neck.

"Hey, you're back." She smiled.

"What are you doing here? The movie had started ten minutes ago."

"I know, I was just waiting for you." She smiled.


"So we can talk." She replied.

"Don't you want to watch the movie?" I frowned.

"I do, but what's the point if my mind is not there." She shrugged.

This girl...

I underestimated her. She seemed to surprise me in many ways. She calls me her friend, and now she's bailing on her favourite movie to talk to me?

"What's on your mind then?" I asked.


Wait what?

Then her eyes widened as she realised what she just said.

"No Wait, that's not what I meant!" She blushed, which I find amusing.

"Really? Then what do you mean?" I smirked.

"I just wanted to know if I have offended you in any way." She replied.

"Offended me?" I frowned.

"I said you're my friend and you looked so grim and I thought I offended you somehow."

I frowned. She came all the here to ask me if I'm okay? Is she pitying me? Does she think she gain my feelings or something if she bailed out on her favourite movie just to see if I'm okay?

I see how it is now.

"Drop the act. I don't need your pity."


Mitsuki pov

"Drop the act. I don't need your pity." He scowled.

Wait what?

"I'm not pitying you. I'm just worried about you."

"Yeah, so drop it. I don't need you to act it all out." He scoffed.

Seriously? What's wrong with this guy?

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