Special 2

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'Muzan, cuddle.' I pouted and gave puppy eyes.

After a long day of work for the two of us, I immediately changed out of my clothes and wore his shirt and jumped into bed and opened my arms out wide for him.

He raised an eyebrow before laughing slightly as he took off his coat and tie.

'I have demon business to attend to.'

'You are not spending a night with me?' I pouted even more.

'Nope.' He said it nonchalantly.

'Muzan!!!' I whined like a kid without her candy.

'Love, if you keep this up, I'll have no choice but to punish you.' He said grimly.

'Punish me, daddy.' I smirked.

'No, I have work to do.'

This is sad business, people!

'Muzan! Muzan! I want your hugs and kisses!' I whined even more.

'You will get them later.' He said annoyingly.

'Muzan' I snapped.

'What?' He frowned.

'I love you.'


'Don't you love me back?'

'Keep up that attitude then I won't.' He snapped.

'But Muzan, I had a rough day.' My eyes watered. Of course, I was fake crying.

'That's bad.' He said like it was nothing.

Man, this guy is hard to convince!


'Now, what?' He snapped.

'I really love you, and I wish you could be with me today. I miss you.' I lowered my head.

'What am I saying, like you would agree on something like this. Work is always important than me.' I grumbled.

Muzan sighed and he walked towards me. He lied down and pulled me closer. I couldn't help but my face plastered a huge smile as I hugged him. He nuzzled against the crook of my neck as one of his legs entangled with mine. He rubbed small circles on my shoulder using his thumb, while I massaged his curly black locks.


'Hmm?' I hummed.

He pulled back his head and stared into my eyes.

'I love you too.' He smiled before capturing my lips.

I closed my eyes, loving the feeling of his soft lips against mine.

My Boss Is A 1000Years Old Demon Lord|| Muzan X Mitsuki|| Kimetsu No YaibaWhere stories live. Discover now