Chapter 54: Never Let You Go

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"Hmm" I tried to turn but I felt someone's arms around me and it's annoying.

"Hmm!" I tried to struggle but that person held me tighter.

"Ugh! What the fuck?!" I shouted and turned around.

My eyes widened as I met with a pair of majestic closed eyes. Damn! We were sleeping on the same bed and his arms were wrapped around me?! What the fuck happened?! Okay, I remembered we made out and he got pissed off and left and I went to sleep cursing this damn human being.

Oh, well I guessed that's it.

I looked closely and took in his features as he sleeps. Man, he looked so majestic and clam when he sleeps! It's like a lion sleeping, and now I'm just being weird!

"Wow, you look better when you sleep. No anger, no scary face, just calm and elegant. I could get used to this. So peaceful and quiet." I smiled and caressed his cheek.

"Too bad it won't last." I sighed and pulled my hand away.

I tried to move his hand away but it just won't budge. I scowled, well that stinks.

"For someone who is sleeping, really have an abnormal strength." I snarled.

"Ugh, so annoying." I lied down then I turned and looked at him.

"Why don't you let me go? I'm not going to leave you- Well actually I am. It's past midnight and deals off. You can let go now."

He doesn't move.

"Right, and it's ridiculous talking to myself like this." I huffed.

I tried to reach my phone from the table, and I was in cloud nine when I got it. I switched it on and swiped the password. Oh, I got a message from Koku. He said I could meet him next week and finally become a demon. Well, I have to be prepare.

"See you too." I typed and sent.

I placed the phone down and cuddled myself up in his arms. I tried to sleep but I can't if a very handsome man who happens to be your boss is sleeping next to you! Not to mention his strong arm that fucking won't let me go!

I sighed then I started to close my eyes and sing.

Qīn'ài de nǐ duǒ zài nǎlǐ fādāi
My love, where are you hiding?
yǒu shé me xīnshì hái wúfǎ shìhuái
There is nothing to worry about
wǒmen zǒng bǎ rénshēng xiǎng dé tài huài
We always think too bad about the life
xiàng pángrén bù yǔnxǔ wǒmen de guài
Like others don't allow our strange

měi yīpiàn yǔ zhòng bùtóng de yúncai
Every piece of different clouds
都需要找到天空去存在 唔
dōu xūyào zhǎodào tiānkōng qù cúnzài wú
Need to find the sky to exist
wǒmen dōu xíguànle yuán dì páihuái
We're all used to wandering around
què wúfǎ xíguàn bèi yīlài
Can't get used to being relied on

你給我 這一輩子都不想失聯的愛
nǐ gěi wǒ zhè yībèizi dōu bùxiǎng shī lián de ài
You give me the love that I will never want to lose
xiāngxìn ài de zhēngtú jiùshì xīngchén dàhǎi
Believe this love journey is the sea of stars
美好劇情 不會更改
měihǎo jùqíng bù huì gēnggǎi
The beautiful plot will never change
是命運最好的安排 哦
Shì mìngyùn zuì hǎo de ānpái ó
This is the most beautiful fate plan

你是我 這一輩子都不想失聯的愛
nǐ shì wǒ zhè yībèizi dōu bùxiǎng shī lián de ài
You are the love that I will never want to lose
hékǔ cánrěn bī wǒ bǎshǒu qīng qīng fàng kāi
Why do I have to let you go
請快回來 想聽你說
qǐng kuài huílái xiǎng tīng nǐ shuō
Please come back, I want to hear you say
shuō nǐ hái zài
Say that you're still here"

"Singing a language that I don't quite understand doesn't mean you have to sing it right in front of my face."

I snapped my eyes opened and saw an irritated face. Great, now he's awake and this is where the drama starts.

"Great, you're awake. Mind letting me go?" I smiled and pointed at his arm.

"Now come to think of it, I like this bed warmer." He smirked.

"Eww, who the fuck wants to be your bed warmer?!" I shouted.

"I don't know, maybe I'll go to a brothel and find out."

"You disgust me!" I slapped his arm away and this time he did let go off me and I quickly scrambled out from the bed.

"Leaving so soon? I thought you liked watching me sleep. What did you say? I looked peaceful and majestic?" He raised an eyebrow.

"You-You heard all of that?!" I pointed a finger at him and shouted as my eyes widened.

"Princess I never sleep in the first place." He chuckled.

"But you- You could have said something! Why would you make me go through all that trouble!" I shouted. I was so pissed!

So whatever I thought I was saying to myself, he heard it all! Even the embarrassing ones!

"Because I wanted to see your reaction. I have to say, you're quite cute when you sleep too." He smirked.

"You bastard!" I quickly took a pillow and hit him in the face.

Well, basically he retaliated by shoving a pillow to my face too, so we had a little- Okay, a massive pillow fight, but I finally see that scowl turned into a smile. I guessed he was having fun, can't say I didn't.

"Okay, okay! Stop! I want to show you something!" I raised my hand up in defeat and grabbed my phone.

He furrowed his brows as he asked what was it.

"I wanted to leave because I want to show you something but never mind, I just remembered I saved it on my phone." I said enthusiastically as I unlocked my password.

"Here listen. This was what I was working on with John." I turned the volume up to max and let him listen.

"It's terrible." He said in a monotonous tone.

"What?!" I snapped.

"It's terrible. I don't like it." He scowled.

"Well someone has terrible taste in music." I rolled my eyes.

"Now come on, I want to cuddle you in bed." He suddenly hugged me and fell on the bed with me.

Wow, I felt like we're a real couple for a second there.

"No, let go of me!" I struggled.

"Are you going to be grumpy all day cause I said your song stinks?" He raised an eyebrow.

"No." I turned away.

"Right. Well, night princess." He kissed my shoulder.

"Night jerk." I smiled and closed my eyes.

This time for some reasons, I managed to fall into a deep sleep.

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