Chapter 35: Unwanted Pregnancy

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Mitsuki pov

"Thank you!" I waved to everyone after finish shooting the scene from the movie.

After changing into a normal sweater and jeans, I went hunting for Chris. That girl had been avoiding me and my calls for the whole day! I don't know what's up with her mind to hide away from me, but I'll find it out today.

"Chris, you there?" I opened her office door.

The room was consumed in darkness, so it was hard to see anything. I narrowed my eyes in confusion and I switched on the light.

My eyes widened as Chris was crouching down and a blanket wrapped over her body as she's crying on the sofa.

"What the fuck happened?" I went over and helped her wiped her tears away.

"What are you doing here? You shouldn't have come here!" She slapped my hand away and cried.

"H-Hey, you know I'm always here for you. You can tell me what happens, and I'll help you with the problem." I smiled.

"No, you'll hate me!" She cried even more.

"Of course not, we're family and all I care is about you. Now, what happened? Who did this to you?" I asked.

"Well, you'll find out one day eventually." She stopped crying and stood up, facing me.

"Can you see any differences about me?" She asked.

"You're the same. Why?" I frowned.

"Use your demonic powers and see. You'll understand." She said.

I did, and I was beyond shocked. I felt another life force inside her, I felt Chris shone brightly in a different way, and I knew why.

"Who's the father?" I snapped.

"I can't." She whimpered.

"Does he know about this?!" I yelled.

"He did! He left me because he is in love with another woman!" She screamed.

"How long did you find out about your pregnancy?"

"Yesterday night, when l started to get sick."

"When did you fuck?"

"Yesterday as well, but in the morning."

"Who's the father?"

"Miki, I can't tell you. You'll hate-"

"Don't force me to use magic to find the child's father. It will be a hell of pain and you and l know you don't want that." I snarled.


"Breath. I'm not going to hurt anyone or lash out." I tried to convince her.

In my mind, I'll kill the guy.


I almost choked on my saliva.

"Zach, as in, another Zach, cause there're many Zach in this world." I tried hard not believe.

"No, Zach, as in Zachary Smith, your boyfriend."

"You're joking. You're lying to me. Who's the Fucking Father?!" I yelled.

"It's true!" She broke down in tears.

No wonder they're together yesterday...

"Explain." I'm at the verge of breaking down, with rage. I'm sure my face was as scary as hell.

Zach, the guy who claimed his undying love for me, impregnate my sister?! This is so fucking messed up! It's a good thing I didn't love him in the first place! I regretted thinking he's the one for me or I'll settle down with him! I'm not sad or heartbroken, I'm feeling ten times more pissed than feeling sad!

Boys never changed! That's why hated them! They always can't seem to control themselves from going into someone's pants!

" Zach and l started hanging out last week when you're busying occupying your time with Tsukihiko."

"Hey! There's nothing between us!" I snapped.

"But they're bad rumours about the two of you. Saying he cheated on his wife while you cheated on Zach and you started all this by seducing him."

I growled. They'll all get it tomorrow!


"Zach was heartbroken and I came and consoled him and we're in the moment and we did it." She said.

"So basically both of you turn your backs on me?" I raised an eyebrow.

She didn't answers, she broke eye contact with me by lowering her head down.

"He knows, and yet he acted like nothing happened yesterday." I gritted my teeth and clenched my fist.

"He did, but despite everything, he knows you won't cheat on him. That's when he came back into his senses and said there's still hope for the two of you cause that's just a silly rumour. He left me. He left me and my unborn child, for you." She looked at me, with no more guilt or sadness but hatred.

"Eh! Hello! We're happy in the first place! Then both of you ruin everything! Want to talk about anger?! Well, look who betray me first!" I snapped.

"You don't get it! You only use him for fun, nothing else! You're never happy! You're just guilty and trying to act all happy around him!" She retorted.

"Oh really?! Why?! Don't tell me you like these kinds of guys?!"

"I did so what?! Why do you think I let him sleep with me in the first place when I could just kill him on the spot!" She screamed.

Wait what?! Does she like him?!

Stop it! This is so messed up!

"Then let me ask you, do you intend to keep the child?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, even if I have to raise it by myself." She snarled.

I silently stared at her, and her baby. Okay, more like glaring. I sighed, as her sister, no matter what shitty situation she's in, or the fact that she hurt me, I still have to accept it and help her. That's what family is, doing stupid things for one another!

"Go home. I'll talk to Zach about this." I said without any emotions.

"You-you are not mad? You're not kicking me out?" She asked.

"Oh, I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed that someone I care about would betray me like this." I said, without feeling a shit of guilt in my heart as I knew I just made her feel worst about herself.


"Now get your ass back home before you don't have one anymore." I snapped.

She lowered her head, too ashamed to face me as she left, leaving me clenching my fist. The next thing I knew, I went berserk.

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