Chapter 24: Love Drama

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Warning! Little smut!
Mitsuki pov

"Yes! Fuck me harder daddy! I'm coming!" I moaned as he thrust me harder.

"Shit, you're taking daddy's cock so well, baby girl!" He groaned.

"Can I come, daddy?"

"Yes, come with me, baby girl."

And I did. I moaned out loud as I came and he released inside of me.

"Zach" I panted and stared into his eyes with love.

"Yes, baby girl?"

"I love you." I smiled and leaned forward and our forehead touched.

"I love you too, Miki." He smiled and we shared a kiss.


Where am I?

I looked around me and found out that I'm in some garden, and there's a mansion in front of me.

"My lord, you really need to get some rest."

Hey, that's me, when I was young!

Little old me, in my demon form, was sitting beside a sick man, who wore a grand yukata with curly long black locks that tied into a ponytail. Fuck, the shadow covered his face again.

Wait, am I dreaming? Huh, no wonder I can't see his face.

"I'm fine Mitsu. You don't need to look after me twenty-four seven." He pushed my hand away.

"What a douche bag." I scoffed.

"But muzan-sama..." She pouted.

"I'm fine, Mitsu." He smiled.

"Muzan! What are you doing here with this freak?!"

A woman in her late thirties came barging into the room. Her eyes flashed disgust and hatred as she glared at little old me.

"She's not a freak mother. She's a friend." He scowled.

"Muzan dear, I've brought another woman for you." She smiled at her son.

"Get out. Breathing the same air with you is worsening my sickness." He growled.

"This isn't over you monster! I don't know what magic you did to make him fall under your spell, but I'm not falling for it!" She suddenly lashed out at her by pulling her hair, but then Muzan grabbed his mother's wrist and he fell down, coughing.


Both of them screamed at the same time.

"Tsk! Pathetic! I would have torture that pathetic mother of his if I wasn't a softie when I was young." I scoffed.

"G-Get O-Out from my Fa-face!" He shouted at his mother.

"You'll regret this one day Kazuki Mitsuki!" She threatened me

Old me was so frightened and worried, while I just scoffed on the spot. I forgot how much humanity I had within me.

But now, it's all gone.


"Where are you going, baby girl?" Zach rubbed his eyes as he asked.

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