Chapter 33: No Sex Allowed

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Mitsuki pov

"What you took so long?" Tsukihiko glared at me.

"Stuff." I bluntly replied.

"You know what, just sit down. It's not worth wasting my effort on talking to you." He scowled.

I pulled out the chair across him and sat down. Is he going to rebuke me about what happened earlier?

"Let's get things straight, I loathe you." He confessed.

Wait What?! Love?!

"W-Wow, l-I'm really flattered but you know we can't. I'm sorry, I don't feel the same about you. You have a wife and a child, and l have a boyfriend. This will never work. I only see you as-"

"I meant loathe! L-O-A-T-H-E! Not love! Do you need me to provide you with hearing aids?!" He snapped.

"O-oh, I see. Yeah, feelings mutual!"

Now he looked at me like I'm the stupidest girl he ever met.

"Hey, stop looking at me like that! You're the one that uses such words! Can't you use another like hate or despise? Don't make English as complicated as it is!" I retorted.

"Then I really wonder what are you doing here?" He raised an eyebrow and gave me a very mocking look.

"Oh easy, when two people fell deeply in love with each other-"

"I meant what are you doing in America if you find English a complication to you?!" He cut me off and scowled.

"And don't give me that shit!" He snapped.

"Cause I want to move on. Don't, it's personal. I said

"I see. Well, back to the topic. I don't like you, at all. I am happy you feel the same way. Do you think it is funny to leave me in the restaurant like that? I see that I was too lenient on you. You need a little punishment. So, no sex for a month." He instructed.

What?! Why?! Wait, did he saw us having sex?! Was that anonymous person who slammed the door, him?! Oh, fuck!

"I want to see you in tip-top shape tomorrow morning."

"Tch, what makes you think you can control Me?!" I snarled.

"Disobey me or I didn't find it to my liking, I'll minus 100k from your salary." He said.


"You can't do that!" I basically screamed.

"I'm the boss, so basically I can do anything." He said sternly.


"If you're going to complain about my decisions, minus another 100k."

"Hey, you can't-"


"Tsukihiko!!! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!" I screamed.

"Good, now remember, no sex with your boyfriend or else."

"I know." I tried to act sad so he can pity me.

"I'm trying to help you solve your playgirl problem." He sighed.

"How does that help?" I raised an eyebrow.

"If you really love Zachary, you won't use him for your benefit."

"We're a couple! That's what couples do!"

"Not most of the time."

"Really? When did you see us fucked? Everyday? Every hour?"

"Once or twice a week, or maybe more, but not every day." He said.

"Exactly! What's wrong with That?!"

"You shouldn't be fooling around, opening your legs to anyone. That's inappropriate for a lady to act like this." He said.

"I don't simply open my legs to people! I have a boyfriend now, and you don't get to nag me on how to be a lady!"

"You should have cherished your V-card. Saving it for the man of your dreams." He said in a monotonous tone.

"Whatever, it is not like anyone will truly like me for who I am." My voice slowly getting softer as I lowered my head.

"What was that?"

"No one knows my real identity. No one even knows my real name. Now you tell me how am I going to find 'the one'." I did air quotes.

"You will eventually. Although I don't really experience these types of things, I'm not ignorant." He said.

"What was she like? Your first love? If you don't mind me asking." I blushed.

"And why would I tell you? What position are you to ask?" He snarled.

"A friend." I smiled.

He seemed taken aback by my answer. He shockingly stared at me for a few minutes before clearing his throat and answered me.

"I don't know. I haven't seen her in a long time, but I heard she became a heartless and fearless person."

"Sounds like me, a badass," I smirked.

"Tch, you're nothing like her. She changed a lot. She used to be kind and loving, she never hurts others. She may be a little coward, but she has gone through a lot in her life." He said.

"Hey, what part makes you think I'm not as good as her?!" I narrowed my eyes.

"You're a joke. You love fooling around in life like a brat who doesn't know how to grow up. You're as annoying as Hell. You played with people's feelings. You caused trouble for people wherever you go."

"Okay, l get it! Can't you say something nice to me for once? Come on, you can do it!"

He stared at me, speechless. He narrowed his eyes and frowned.

"I got nothing."

"Screw you, at least I know a few good quality in you."

"Really? Name it."

"You-you always got my back."

"Cause I don't want to lose my face."

"You're surprisingly caring."

"That's because I don't want you to bring shame to our company."

"Seriously?! One day you won't have any face left to lose!" I scowled.

"Well see, princess. We'll see..." He smirked.

I stood up and stormed off, a scowling as a vein appeared on my forehead, and eye glowing dangerously

due to anger.

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