Chapter 55: Couple's Issues

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"Tsukihiko, Hmm" I moaned as he sucked my tongue.

"Keep it down, or I will stop."

"I don't think you intend to." I smirked as I licked his lips.

"Tasty. I love my morning breakfast." I smirked as I licked my lips.

"Yeah well, I see you are fired up. Get up." He glared at me.

"Aww, do I have too. I'm lazy and today is a Saturday." I groaned.

"Well at least let me go so I can change." He smirked.

"Nope, you're mine for today." I smiled and kissed his nose.

"God damn, you are lucky you're so beautiful." He growled before claiming my lips again.

Yeah, we are making out in bed early in the morning. He hovered over me at first, but then I flipped us over and now I won't let him get up.

I like this. It felt so nice. I never even know Tsukihko can be such romantic and possessive as he kissed me early in the morning. I guessed our relationship just took a huge step forward after one night.

Suddenly, a thought came into my mind. What if I never get to see him again if I die fighting Muzan?! Oh My God! Wait, does he knows how to kill me? Thousand years of revenge, he is definitely not having mercy on me.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He stopped and looked at me with a worried face.

"Hmm?" I hummed as I snapped back into reality.

"You stop kissing me, and you seem disturbed. Is something the matter?" He asked.

"No, it's nothing." I smiled.

"You sure? Your face looked pretty pale."

"No, I'm fine really!" I got off.

"Now that's definitely not fine. Tell me. I told you before if you have any problems, don't hesitate to ask for help." He cupped my face.

"Oh, Tsukihiko!" I hugged him and buried my face in his chest and cried.

I can't risk losing him, or anyone I love! Why can't I just be normal?!

"Shh, it's okay. Let it all out. I'm right here with you." He whispered as he patted my back and kissed my forehead.

"I don't want to leave you!" I sobbed.

"You're not leaving me and I'm not leaving you." He caressed my shoulder.

"No, you don't understand! It's- complicated."

"Well, no matter how complicated the situation may be, I'll always be here with you."

Wow, this is so not like him, and not like me as well. I guessed, maybe in the deepest darkest part in my heart, I considered him as someone precious to me, even though we started off terribly.

"Now tell me what happened. No matter how complicated it is, I'll help you solve the problem, but you have to tell me so I can help you." He said.

"Tsukihiko, you are nice, really but this is something I have to act alone." I sighed.

"What did you just say to me?"



"Nice, why?" She frowned.

Nice? I was never nice! This woman...

I grew soft because of her! I never realized how she's intoxicating me, somehow! What's wrong with me?!

I pulled her away and she frowned.

"I have to get dress and you should too." I said and carried her bridal style and threw her out from my room.

"And keep the shirt, it reeks because of you." I snarled before slamming the door.


My back leaned against the door as I frustratingly covered my eyes. What's gotten into me? We just acted like a couple and I was the one who started it. Well, who wouldn't ravish her looking like that?!

I sighed and get a hold of myself before walking towards the closet and change into a new set of clothes.


Great, he's here.

"Muzan-sama! Guess what?! I found Daki-san in the streets and she seemed in pretty bad shape so I helped her and guessed what she told me? She said she managed to escape that prison along with her brother. I must say, this Mitsuki girl is so cruel! Treating them like pets! They were in pretty bad shape, especially Daki-san, her body won't generate cause of the massive amount of bloody torture she received from that heartless woman, so I gave her some of my blood, but unfortunately, it was still not enough."

"Daki and Gyuutarou got out?" I frowned.

"Yes, isn't it wonderful?!" Douma smiled.

"Muzan-sama" Kokushibo came and bowed before me.

"I have news, next week I'm going to meet Mitsuko and I'll bring her here." He reported.

"Good, and I shall see her for myself. The enchantress who happens to capture your heart." I said as I poured myself a glass of wine.

Can't wait



So, basically nothing good happens these past few days before the meeting with Muzan. Tsukihiko and I have been avoiding each other since that day. We don't even look at each other anymore. Well at least I know why I'm mad, I don't even know what's his problem?!

He was being nice in a second and the next, he turned as cold as ice and threw me out from his room! That's right, I'm mad cause he threw me out! Who does that?!

I don't even know why he's mad?! He hugged me like I'm the most valuable person in the world to him and second when I complimented him, Poof, he grew mad and threw me out from the room.

Ugh! What's even more fucked up is that he doesn't even care about me anymore, like that day meant nothing to him!

"You're smoking again!"

I turned and saw Teresa with a scowl on her face. I rolled my eyes and turned back and admired the night view on the balcony. Tomorrow night will be the day when I meet Muzan, I have to play it cool.

"Give me that!" She snatched the cigarette away from my hand.

"Do you know how many died because of this?!" She scolded.

"Don't know, and don't give a damn." I groaned.

"You really need to stop this habit, and what's up with you and Tsukihiko? Are you guys arguing?" She frowned.

"No, what makes you say that?" I scoffed.

"Cause it's not normal for you guys to give each other the silent treatment. You guys fight a lot and now suddenly the silent treatment? Something is definitely up!"

"You know what?! There is! Now would you excuse me, I want to be left alone!" I shouted.

Teresa looked shocked and she looked kind of hurt, but she never said anything anymore before leaving.

Ugh! So fucking irritating!

Calm down Mitsuki! Don't let emotions get the best of you!

I need to start planning on how to approach Muzan tomorrow, than fusing over Tsukihiko.

Yeah, start planing and forget about that jerk!

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