Chapter 61: Once Upon A Time

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She's sleeping like an angel. Every time I looked down at her, I smiled loving the fact that she's the one cuddling with me. She told me not to touch her and I didn't. In the end, it ended up she's the one wrapping herself over me.

I can literally get used to this all night. Then suddenly she flipped over and frowned. My princess was having a bad dream? I wonder what's troubling her?

"No, I didn't kill them." She murmured.

"Shut up, I said I didn't." Her voice changed into a monstrous one.

"Mitsu, wake up." I patted her shoulder but she didn't respond, in fact, she's starting to struggle.

"I Said Get Out!" She suddenly jolted up and shrieked and the mirror blew to smithereens.

Woah, that was unexpected. She surprised me. She never showed her powers to me, more likely her dark side. Most of the time when I was young, she would just show me the beauty of it. The one time I remember is making my flowers bloomed beautifully in my garden once we're done planting the seeds.

"Mitsu, are you okay?" I asked as I put a hand on her shoulder.

She panted as she clutched her heart, droplets of cold sweat slowly dripped down from her face.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It's just a bad dream." She calmed herself down.

"Well, do you still want to sleep or..."

"Yeah, it's still pretty dark outside, and I can see you enjoy watching me sleep like a creep." She giggled.

"Just so you know, some girl told me not to touch her but she came cuddling me during her sleep." I smirked.

"No. Way. It will never happen again." She snapped.

"Don't say never. I quite enjoyed it. Your legs wrapped around me and so does your arms, it feels so warm." I smirked.

"Oh My God, you must feel so uncomfortable. I better go-"

I grabbed her wrist before she can even get up and pulled her back into my arms.

"What are you doing?" She asked uncomfortably.

"Get some sleep. We both have work tomorrow." I cuddled her in bed.

"No, and let me go."

"Can't sleep? What about a nice bedtime story?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Definitely. Not."

"Do you still remember when we first met?" I asked.

"Oh, you mean that kind of story? Nope, and you don't need to tell me. I'm going to get bored like in History class anyway." She rolled her eyes.

I actually felt something when she said she doesn't remember. It felt uncomfortable as it hurts inside...

"I'm still telling it whether you liked it or not." I snapped.

I had it with that attitude. Remind me why am I treating her like this?!

"Oh God, help me." She cursed under her breath and rolled her eyes.

"It all started when I still have the ability to stand up and walk. I was still human but not that sick yet, and I was wondering in my huge garden when I saw you."

"Nice. Can't believe you still remember it in details." She rolled her eyes.

There's that hurt and uncomfortable feeling like I just wanted to rip her lungs out for talking to me in that way. I just ignored her bratty attitude and continued.

"You were sitting on a bench in the night, a butterfly on your finger as you smiled and that was when I thought I saw the most beautiful girl in the world. You're so young and innocent compared to the other slutty women who just want me for my looks and title. My parents tried to get me betrothed with some woman who happens to have a higher status because of their father's wealth or title. I never liked them as I found them all disgustingly fake and slutty, but you on the other hand, so pure and innocent-"

"Tch, and I hate it. I'm so weak and fragile! If your parents are still alive, I would have tied them up and feed them to the maggots. No offence." She scoffed.

"Then you turned and we made our first eye contact. Despite your scarface, I still find you the most gorgeous girl I've ever met. You apologized for intruding but I welcomed you to come here whenever you want, and that's when we became friends as we chat." I smiled, remembering the good old times.

"Still, l can't believe you remember all of that." She stared at me.

"I have a good memory." I said bluntly.

"I'm not surprised." She rolled her eyes.

"Sucks that I can't have your virginity." She pouted.

What the hell?!

"I told you all of that and all you can think about is making love and taking away my virginity." I said in disgust.

What happened to her?! I need to pour Holy Water into that brain of hers!

"Yeah, duh. I guessed it shouldn't be a disappointment since you didn't take away mine." She shrugged.

That's when the thought of her sleeping with other men made me clenched my jaw.

"I'm making this worst, aren't I?" She asked as she saw how mad I looked.

"You don't say, princess." I smiled menacingly.

"Okay, let's just drop it. So what happened?" She tried to change the subject.

"Shut up and sleep before I snap your neck." I growled.

"What? You can't be mad cause of-"

I immediately kissed her possessively. She looked shocked but she never kissed back and I grew very frustrated and irritated. I pulled back, glaring at her indicating that if she dares to speak anymore, I would have done more than just kissing.

"Night." She looked down then turned away, sighing with disappointment.

"Night." I pulled her closer to me and hugged her from behind as I closed my eyes, inhaling her sweet scent.

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