Chapter 58: The Real Us

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"What did you call me?" He frowned.

"What?! No?! This has to be a joke! Are his twin or something?! A relative?!" I blinked as I awkwardly smiled.

I can't believe it! I won't believe it! So he's right under my nose the whole time?! God damn it, we even shared a bed, and kissed, and sex!!!!

"You're his twin right?! I mean you can't be Kibutsuji Tsukihiko from Kibutsuji Company that earns billions of money, right?!" I laughed hysterically.

"Well, this is surprising. Too bad, I have to eliminate you, but don't worry, I never liked you anyway." Said Muzan monotonously.

Wait What?

Suddenly, he swung his arm and it turned into an abnormal large blade that cut the room in half, but luckily I dodged it with a flip.

"Woah..." my eyes widened as I witness the damage he has caused to the room.

"Just so you know, I'm not paying for that." I pointed at the huge cut.

"Don't worry, you'll be paying with your life." He attacked me again with his abnormal blade arm and it swung everywhere, causing a mess but I managed to dodge it easily.

Can't be superior if you don't earn it!

"What a pest?! Can't you just stay still and die!" He growled.

Wait, I have to know!!!

"Wait! Before I die, can I just say the last few words of my life?!" I pleaded.

"No." He rejected without even giving a second thought and he attacked me again.

"I have to know, are you really Tsukihiko?!" I shouted while dodging the attacks.

He stopped and stared at me like solving a mysterious puzzle.

"How do you know him?" He narrowed his eyes.

Seriously?! Asking a question over a question?! For the record, I asked first!

"Pft, who wouldn't? He's a billionaire and the chairman of the richest company in Japan." I cried in excitement. Well, it was all an act. I never liked the guy.

"I see. Do you idolize him?" He raised an eyebrow.

Pfft, what? No way! Never.

"No, I'm just curious. You now, gossip and stuff." I laughed awkwardly.

"Too bad. You are a low-life compared to him." He said.

How dare He?! Okay, I'm so convinced that they are the same arrogant egotistical guy!

"Just answer my question!" I snapped.

"Considering this is your death wish, I shall answer your utterly pathetic question. Yes, I'm Kibutsuji Tsukihiko, but my real name Muzan, Kibutsuji Muzan, the first demon who ever existed in this world." He said proudly.

Oh. My. God. He's Tsukihiko! What?! Wait, so I have been living under my enemy's nose the whole time! Add another bonus that he's my fucking boss!!!

"Well then, I'm happy l won't get to see your face again." He said before attacking.

"Wait!" I dodged.

"What now?" He frowned.

"Aren't you afraid your friend Miki will find out what you are?" I asked.

"Wow, a little stalker aren't you?" He narrowed his eyes.

"No, I couldn't care less about that brat. If she ever finds out, I'll guess I'll have to finally remove the burden myself." He said calmly.

"You really don't care about your friend Miki and you think she's a burden to you?" My eyes widened as I can't believe what I am hearing.

"You ask a lot." He scoffed.

"Well, a girl can wonder." I sassed.

"Curiosity kills the cat." He snarled.

"Well here is another fact, I Hate Liars!" I swung my hand to the side and he crashed to the side cause an invisible force suddenly pushed him.

"You-You- What are you?!" He shouted as his eyes widened. He got up and glared at me with those dangerous glowing eyes.

"How can l put this? Oh yeah, A Brat!" I yelled and snapped my fingers a ball of lightning appeared and in a swift moment, it struck towards him but unfortunately, he dodged.

"Brat? There's only one- No, you can't be!"

I buried my face in my hands and then changed into my human form.

"Surprise, jerk!" I uncovered them and clenched my fist as ice surrounded him and huge icicles grew long and large and stabbed him in numerous parts.

He struggled, then he used his arms as blades and cut the ice.

"Who are you, and what are you?!" He shouted as he pulled an icicle out from his body. His blood dripped and he recovered immediately.

"What do you think I am?! You already said I'm a childish idiotic brat!" I yelled and swung my hand, his head got decapitated and fell over the floor.

"Don't tell me you forgot about me, after thousands of years?!" I smiled.

Then my jaw dropped abnormally and a long silky tongue immediately dashed towards him and stabbed him, but he reacted fast and even cut my tongue. I pulled back and my fixed my jaw.

"Don't tell me you're..." His eyes widened.

"That's right! Miss me?!" I snarled as my hair turned pure white and my eyes glowed red as well.

"Mitsuki..." He stared at me with shock.

"Ugh! My God! I can't believe I was such a fool the entire time! You lied to me!" I shouted as I glared at him.

"Well couldn't say the same to you too. You look great, now without that scar." He smirked.

"I could have beheaded you from the moment I hate you, not as Muzan but as Tsukihiko!"

"You took the words out of my mouth. Say what's up with the kidnapping my demons and torture them until they're too weak to regenerate?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, you mean your slut. Yeah, I love how she screams your name with lust as I whipped her, especially on her pussy." I snarled.

"She's not my slut, and you didn't whip her, that will be so cliche. You literally torture her in such brutal ways that I can't even imagine. So drop the act." He scowled.

"Well, I guessed you need to learn from the master." I smirked.

"You changed, a lot."

"Can say the same to you too. Where's the Muzan I know who wouldn't even hurt a fly?" I fake pouted.

"I grew dead cold from the moment you left." He retorted.

"Really? Then I can say the same to myself too. How do put this into words? I grew stronger." I smirked.

"I can see that. You're not the delicate flower you used to be." He said.

"And you're not the same nice young lord. So we're even!" I snapped.

"So you planned this out all along. Killing me in my own fortress? Nice." He scowled.

"Killing you? No, I planned on something much more brutal. You should know My Rules. I don't just kill someone. No that's not me. I'm more of a torture people kind of a psycho." I smiled sweetly.

"Since you can't die, I might as well torture you until you wish to have never been born into this miserable world."

"Not if you can try." He glared.

"Oh, I dare to." I snarled.

In a swift moment, we punched one another.

My Boss Is A 1000Years Old Demon Lord|| Muzan X Mitsuki|| Kimetsu No YaibaWhere stories live. Discover now