Chapter 31: A Whole Night Of Drama With Tsukihiko!

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Mitsuki pov

Oh My God! I would really appreciate if the restaurant serves human as food.

"So? Do you like it?" Tsukihiko smiled.

"Welcome, Mr and Mrs Kibutsuji." All the waiters and waitresses lined up in both sides and bowed.

Wait, what did they just call Me?!

"Just go with it. I don't know your last name remember?" Tsukihiko whispered.

Hmm, I guessed I could let this slide...

"Okay, I got to admit, this is nice. You really have taste in style." I smirked.

"Is that a compliment I hear princess?" He raised an eyebrow and smirked.

"Tch, dream on.I'm judging you that you have good taste." I stuck out my tongue.

Compliment him? Ha! Like in a millennium year!

"Why thank you. I never thought you have any taste in style, so I'm not sure if your level of style is as high as mine. I shouldn't take it as a compliment, more like an insult." He smirked.

Fucking Bastard!

"You-You-" My cheeks flushed in anger as I was so mad, that I couldn't even think straight.

"Standing here and wasting my saliva on someone like you isn't worth it. I need a drink." He walked ahead of me and I just stood there, livid.

"Why are you just standing there for? Do you need me to carry you over my shoulders like the last time when-"

"No!!! I'm fine! I have legs to do the walking!" I quickly stopped him from finishing that sentence.

There're people here, he can't just say that in public! I quickly walked towards my seat and a waiter helped me pulled out my chair. I thanked him and sat down and he pulled it forward towards the table, while I'm maintaining eye contact with that bastard.

Well, more like I'm glaring daggers at him, while his lips curled into a grin. That smile makes me want to slap it off his self-absorb face!


"And I'll have a chocolate cake, please." I smiled.

"Change her order to a105, and that'll be all." Tsukihiko closed the menu and smiled.

What?! I look at the menu and try to find the number. He ordered me a steak, which causes like a hundred plus. Not that I'm complaining, as I said, I'm not spending my money on something that I don't enjoy.

The waiter looked at me with hesitation, if he should listen to my companion.

"What are you looking at? I told all of you my words are absolute." He glared.

"Sorry, sir. Drinks?"

"We'll have red wine. That'll be all." He grinned and we passed our menu to the waiter. He bowed before he walked away.

"Sir, for all due respect, what was that?"

"What was what?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Why do you change my order?" I can't help but snap.

"A chocolate cake? Really?" He raised an eyebrow.

"You're not poor, so don't act like one." He scoffed.

"I don't have an appetite." I retorted.

"Then make yourself have an appetite before the food arrives." He eyed at me.

"What?! Don't be ridiculous! There's no way-"

"Starting from here, run until our car, using the stairs. Then I'm sure you'll be hungry later." He sneered.

What. The. Fuck. What does he think this is? A gym?!

"I'll give you one million for every round." He smirked.

What does he take me for?!

"Are you nuts?! This is a restaurant, not some marathon training!" I stood up.

"Where are you going?"

"To the bathroom! Maybe then I'll have some appetite after l wash away, whatever you said." I gave him a disgusted look before leaving.


There's one thing about today, it's getting weirder and weirder, in an uncomfortable way. After using the bathroom, I walked out and guess What?! A 6 years old child, wearing a Cupid outfit, hanging in the midair. Yes! You heard me! Wearing a diaper and half-naked, with fake Cupid wings, hanging in mid-air but I can fucking see the string attached to him. My jaw dropped.

Then he shot me with a Nerf gun, and it hit me right in the middle of my forehead. I was too dumbfounded to even react.

"Sorry, I don't know arrows." He said.

"What the heck are you doing?!  What is This?!" I shouted and pulled out the long sticky stick from my forehead that was supposed to shot out with that damn gun.

"A guy paid me five thousand dollars for doing this. I'm not proud, but I like money. There's a note attached to it." Then he slowly lowers himself down and walked away.

I just stared at him as he slowly disappeared from my sight. Is he really going out wearing like that?!

I gazed down and saw a note attached to it. I unfolded it and was beyond speechless on what it says.

You've gone for so long? What are doing in there? Trying to escape? I sent a little surprise for you along the way. Hope I'll get a small kiss from you when you get back.

Ps, I'm just joking, you don't really have to run.

Sincerely, your one and only boss.

That guy, paid a kid five thousand dollars just to humiliate him and tease me?!

Oh, he'll get a kiss all right...

From my fist!!!


"What the fuck did you do that for?!" I came back and screamed at him.

"I see you got a little too overly surprised." He smirked as he stared at me with amusement.


Then slow soothing music played along. What is This?! Is he turning to be romantic or something?! If he is, he sucks at it so bad! Who pays five thousand dollars to a kid for playing Cupid?!

Then Tsukihiko stood up and held out a hand, for me to take. Wait! I shouldn't be doing This! This is wrong on so many levels! Is he trying to tease me or is he for real?!

I stared at his large hands, then back at him. He was trying to be patient, waiting for me to greatly accept his offer and dance with him.

"Tch!" I scoffed and turned around and left, without looking back, and I didn't regret a thing.

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