Chapter 29: He's Definitely Possessed!

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Mitsuki pov

I was still shocked by what just happened. Not the Vanessa raged out on me scene, it's Tsukihiko, saying he'll protect me and bring me back into my room.

He carried me, bridal style and walked me back to my dressing room. The whole time, we didn't utter a word. I stared blankly at Tsukihiko. Then, I took in his features. He has a handsome face, that really looks like Micheal Jackson. He has amazing features. A strong jaw, piercing red eyes, thin seductive lips, his raven black curly hair falls between his face.

Then his eyes darted at me and caught me checking him out. I buried my face in his chest, to evade him catching me blushing. Then I slowly looked up again, and caught him, staring at me. He looked away, straight ahead and...

Is that a blush?


"Here, I brought you some ice." Tsukihiko came in without knocking the door.

I was still changing.

"Get the fuck out!!!" I screamed and threw things at him. I don't know what I threw as I just simply grabbed whatever is on my table and threw it at him.

He dodged them and quickly left, slamming the door shut behind. I calmed down and quickly changed into my normal jeans and sweater. Before I opened the door, I heard numerous heartbeats on the other side. They're all beating rapidly. That's weird?

I opened the door and in a flash, some inhuman being came barging in, shut my door, and pinned me against the wall. It happens so fast that I can't even see who it is. Then, as my vision came back...

"What are you doing?" I frowned.

Tsukihiko was pinning me against the wall. His knee between my legs and his hand grabbed both of my wrists and pinned them above me.

"We need to talk." He sneered at me, then he let me go.

He took my hand and placed an ice pack on it.

"Thanks." I smiled and rested it on my red cheek.

"Why do you have to do this to me?" He muttered.

"What?" I raised an eyebrow.

"You let me feel something that I'm not supposed to." He coldly said.

"I don't get it." I put the ice pack down.

"You make me feel like this." He took my hand in his and placed them on his chest. Then I felt it, his heart beating at a fast pace.

"Wait What?!" I pulled my hand away.

"Why?" He frowned.

"Why What?"

"Why is it you? It can't be you."

My mind is so lost right now! What the fuck is he talking about?!

"What are you talk-"

He cupped my face and leaned in. His nose touched mine and he caressed my cheeks. We intensively stared into one another's eyes, then his eyes darted to my lips.

He slowly leaned in, closing our space. He closed his eyes as he enjoyed the kiss, while I stood there, dumbfounded like a zombie.

The kiss was short and sweet, no passion, no heated sensation, nothing, just a regular old kiss.

"You should rest. I'll pick you up for our dinner tonight." He pulled away and stared at me with those cold emotionless plum red eyes.

"Sir, I-"

He just walked out, leaving me bewildered on what just happen.

Wow! He is possessed!


Muzan pov

"What's wrong with Me?!" I shouted and kicked the nearby chair and send it flying off to somewhere.

"Muzan-sama, is everything all right?" Asked Akaza as he gets down on one knee and bowed.

"No, a brat is annoying me these days." I snarled.

"Then do you want me to dispose the girl?" He asked.


"No. Don't you dare touch a single hair on her." I scowled.

"Y-Yes, Muzan-sama!" He lowered his head.

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door.

"Come in."

I eyed at Akaza and he bowed one last time before leaving.

"Hey, Mr Kibutsuji." Teresa walked in and bowed.

"Teresa? What do I owe the pleasure?" I smiled as I sit down.

"Um, I just wanted to say thank you for sticking up for my sister. That's really kind of you sir." She thanked me.

"No problem. I just don't tolerate my workers being bullied around by some psycho." I smiled.

"You think Vanessa is a psycho?" She raised an eyebrow.

"A woman should remain calm and elegant, not some rampaging brat going around screaming and beating up my employee." I said.

"Oh, I see. It makes sense. Can I ask you another question, Mr Kibutsuji? No offence or anything, I just wanted to clarify something." She said.

"Sure, go ahead." I nodded.

"Do you like Miki?"

My seven hearts literally stopped. Why on earth would she ask me this type of question?!

"Of course not! I have a wife!" I scowled.

"Oh, get over it! It's obvious you've fallen out of love for your wife, or you've never loved her in the first place. Just now, the way you protected her or even looked at her was different. It's like you actually care for her well-being." She said.

"I think you need to leave." I glared.

"Just think about what I said." She shrugged and left.

This is preposterous! Me? In love with a child?! Don't make me vomit! She's a brat who likes to fool around thinking the world is all about jokes and pranks! A brat, who can't even defend for herself! A brat who said she's used to being bullied...

I sighed, massaging the bridge of my nose. What am I thinking? I can't be caring for her! I already have someone in my life and that's it! I'm not betraying her, even she'd already betrayed me...

No! I can't think like that! I'll have my revenge to punish her for leaving me, then I'll make her marry me and we'll live a happy life for all eternity. I'll probably punish her for a century or two, then we'll get married and-

Wait! Stop it! Why can't I stop thinking about that brown-headed brat?! I'm imagining my life with Mitsu and her bratty face pops up in my head!


I can't be in love with her, can l?

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