Chapter 90: He Takes Good Care Of Me

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"Ugh!" I groaned in agony as I touched my forehead.

"Why does a human have to be so fragile?!" I coughed.

"Lie down!" Chris pushed me back onto the bed.

"Gosh, Miki! If you want to hunt someone down, be a dear and take good care of yourself! How can you be holding a search party under a storm?! That's such an idiotic thing you did!" Teresa scolded.

"Imagine Muzan knew about this." I rolled my eyes.

It's a good thing he went to work early in the morning cause I got an earful from Teresa and I don't want another male version of her. Come to think of it, both of them are quite alike. They're responsible, love to boss people around, smart, mature...

Ugh! If Muzan knew about this, I'm screwed.

"Don't bother believing you dodged the bullet. I already called him, informing your condition."

"Nani!?!?!?" I screamed.

"Why would you do that?!" I yelled.

"Because he's your boyfriend." Teresa answered sarcastically.

"I don't want him to worry about me since he has worked to do."

"He should cause that's what boyfriends do. Anyways, he's coming back home and in the meantime, stay in bed and don't think about leaving the room." Teresa scowled before slamming the door and left.

"You've got to be shitting me!"

"Give her some slack. She's been worrying about you the entire day." Said Chris.

"Yeah, but she fucking told Muzan! Now, what am I going to do when he gets back from-"

"Kazuki Mitsuki, you brain damage girl!!!"

Speaking of the devil.

Muzan barged into my room, looking angry.

"Hey, how is it going?" I smiled as cold sweat dripped on my forehead.

"Hey yourself! What are you?! A baby?! I just told you to take care of yourself yesterday and here you are being sick!" He scolded as he quickly walked towards me and pinched my cheek hard.

"Hey yourself! What are you?! A baby?! I just told you to take care of yourself yesterday and here you are being sick!" He scolded as he quickly walked towards me and pinched my cheek hard

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"Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Stop it!" I tried to push his hand away but he only pinched harder.

"Even worst! You decided to hide it from me!" He scolded.

"Because I knew this would happen!"

"Then why don't you try to prevent this in the first place by staying at home during a storm!" He lets go but he took a book from the table and repeatedly hitting my head.

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