Chapter 36: A Shoulder To Lean On

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Mitsuki pov

I need a shoulder to lean on. I need someone to understand what I'm going through without taking my sister's side.

Teresa and Alvin, they'll definitely make the situation a lot worse than it is by saying I'm a bad sister and shouldn't treat her like that. Zach? Yeah, like I'm going back to a cheater. We basically slept with each other yesterday, the fucking day when he touched my sister in bed and impregnate her. Well, there's only one solution and I can't believe I'm thinking of him. That fucking self-absorb handsome bastard!

Great, l don't have his number. He left earlier with everyone already since it is already late night, and unfortunately it's pouring cats and dogs. I told Sebastian earlier that I'll come later after visiting Chris. I don't want to trouble him anymore since Chris left with Sebastian and I told him to leave, I'll find another way to go home.

Then I remembered, I have his business card. Huh? What luck! I actually thought of throwing it away but I keep forgetting. I took it out and dialled his number, then I placed it near my ear, it's ringing. He doesn't sleep for an odd reason which I find if really weird, but I couldn't care less into butting someone's business.

Tears uncontrollably rolled down my cheeks. Before reality hit me, I was uncontrollably crying. Those feelings I have been keeping when I know my loving sister and boyfriend betrayed me, I kept it deep inside. Now no one is here, I cried my heart out. I screamed and wiped my tears away. Feelings of betrayal is a feeling I thought I wouldn't feel again after a century. I don't care, I don't care if I was cheated the last time when I dated boys, cause I know it will never last, but Zach, I know we can't, but at least I thought he learn his lesson about cheating behind my back, especially with my sister. This is seriously fucking messed up! I need someone, anyone to lend a shoulder. Someone who doesn't take Chris side and pity her cause she suffered from unwanted pregnancy.

And why the hell he doesn't pick up?!

It went to voice message, but I kept on calling him none stop! That bastard! Pick up you jerk! After l called like the fifth time, that ass finally picked up!

"You have exactly one minute to say what you want?" He snarled.

Well, that's a nice way to say hello.

"Tsukihiko..." I sobbed. My voice sounded hoarse due to all the crying.

"Who's this? How do you get this number?" He snapped.

Wow! I really regret calling him already.

"It's me, you ass! Your so-called princess!" I snapped.

"Where are you? Things got pretty heated here. Christina, she-"

"I know." I cut him off, I can't bear to hear it again.

"Everyone is here for her. No one seems to care where you are right now." He said.

"I know."

That broke my heart even more. I knew they'll do this.

I tried hard not to cry again.

"Where are you?"

"In the studio." I answered.

"The studio?! Do you know how late it is?!" He shouted.

"I know. I just needed time alone." I cried.

"Well, I'm coming over."



"Yes?" I wiped my tears.

"You better stop crying once l get there." He hung up.

I smiled. He's such a bastard.

A bastard, that that makes my heart fluttered a little.


Muzan pov

"Where are you going?" Rei asked.

"Miki needs help. She's being irrational." I said.

"You're right. Chris is having her boyfriend's baby, she must feel really bad right now." Rei nodded.

"I'll be back." I kissed her cheek and grabbed my coat.

"Sebastian, let's go. I have a brat to save." I demanded.

"As you wish, Mr Kibutsuji." Sebastian bowed and went to prepare the car.

She must be feeling so hurt right now. I know how that feels, but imagining her going through the same thing that has happened to me, really stabs a knife into my heart, all seven of them.

It was a messed up situation. Everybody came and consoled Christina as she cried and confessed the truth that she's carrying that bastard's child, the bastard that's been dating my princess! I wanted to feel pity for Christina, but I can't. I found myself pitying Miki instead. She shouldn't be facing this. I find this Christina and Zach's fault as they both betrayed her. The most important person in her life. Everyone was so focused on Chris that they forgot about Miki. She hasn't come back yet and I'm worried she'll do something bad. Humans do really stupid stuff when they're overwhelmed with depression, and plus she's the dumbest person I know. Then the thought of her committing suicide came into my mind.

"Faster Sebastian." I ordered.

Wait for me princess, don't you dare die on me! Your life and soul will always be in my hands! I'm the only one who can control your life and death!

So you better wait for me!

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