Chapter 72: Rest

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"Pft, Hahahaha..." I laughed so hard.

"What?! You- You scared us!" Teresa yelled.

"Don't you dare pull that again!" Alvin hit me on the shoulder.

"Oww, easy tiger. You don't want to dirty those- Wait, why am I naked?" I looked down and realised I didn't have anything on.

"Oops, here." Chris gave me a white sheet.

I took and covered myself, then the smell...

"Why do I smell like death?" I frowned.

"What do you remember?" Asked Braz.

"I was driving to the wedding when my body- Oh Fuck, the wedding! It's-What is he doing here?!" I pointed at Muzan.

"Slow down Mitsuki, he saved your ass." Said Braz.

"You mean by being the husband of that bitch now?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I know I should have just left you to rot in hell." He snarled.

"I appreciate that, thank you very much." I snapped.

Then suddenly, his phone rang.

"Sorry, l got to take this." He went out.

"So, how's the wedding go? Did you at least crash it?" I asked the gang.

"No, we all had an accident and BTW, the wedding is cancelled. Muzan ran all the way here and saved your ass from going to hell." Teresa spat.

"Accident? I don't remember any of that. Are you guys okay?" I asked with concern.

"We are all fine since we are demons. The only unfortunate ones are you and the baby." Chris answered.

"Oh My God, I'm so sorry." I choked out.

"It's fine. At least you are okay." She smiled.

"What happened during the accident?" I frowned.

"Don't get mad, and it's not your fault, no one blames you." Everyone looked down and sighed.


"Hey, can I have a few minutes of her time?" Muzan came in and asked.

"Yeah, sure." They nodded and left, but Teresa whispered something in his ear before leaving.

"They will be going back home for a while and changed into something more comfortable." He said.

"Where's Koku?" I sniffed.

"I told him to go back and helped me sort out some things." He answered as he sat beside me.

"Can I see him?"

"Why?" He frowned.

"I just want him to know that everything is fine and he doesn't need to worry about me." I looked down.

"I'll tell him myself."

"But I want to see him." I said softly.

"You just got up from the dead, you need some rest." He said staring at me.

I tried my hardest not to look at him as he kept staring at me. We went silent for a while before he sighed.

"They told you everything?"

"Yeah." I nodded and wiped my tears away.

"It's not your fault. Nobody blames you." He said softly.

"But it felt like it! Chris got a miscarriage because of me!" I burst into tears.

"I shouldn't be driving, knowing that I have this curse on me!"

"Talk about that damn curse, why didn't you tell me?" He frowned.

"Because I don't want you to worry and- Your wedding is coming up, you are going to have a new life ahead of you. I don't want to ruin that just because I was cursed." I sobbed.

"I know you don't love her, but at least I don't want you to worry about me and make me one of your burdens." I cried.

"Come here." He pulled me towards him and I buried my face in his chest.

"No one blamed you. I was disappointed that after everything we had been through, you still don't trust me. I know you don't want me to worry about you, but what difference does it make? I'll find out sooner or later and I'll be even more hurt knowing that you don't trust me enough to tell me." He hugged me.

"But your wedding-"

"You think I care most about money? If so, I wouldn't leave my wedding and a screaming maniac bride to come and saved you." He said softly.

"Muzan, I-" I pulled back and wiped my tears.

"It's okay. Everything is fine now." He placed a kiss on my forehead.

"So, what happens now? Am l one of your underlings?" I asked.

"I guessed so. When you woke up, your eyes were bloody red, but now I see it's back to normal now. You're not fully a transformed demon, nor a normal human. I don't know why my blood hardly does any effect on you, but I'm glad it brought you back alive." He said.

"So, what now?" I asked.

"Maybe I can run a few harmless tests on you, but in the meantime, you should get some rest." He tugged a strand of my brown-hair behind my ear.

"What about things between you and Vanessa now?" I asked.

"Wedding was cancelled. No one was happy, especially Vanessa who has anger issues now. I almost killed the father as he kicked me out."

"Wait a minute, they kicked you out? Where are you going to stay?"

"I will crash into a hotel, but it will be great if you let me stay-"

"Done, you can move back in." I smiled.

"Great, I'll order someone to move my things, but now, get some rest." He helps me lied back down.

"Can you stay with me?" I begged as I tugged the hem of his sleeve.

"Sure, anything for you, love."

"Love?" I raised an eyebrow.

"You don't like it?"

"No, well at least it's better than princess. I feel like a kid when you call me that." I glared.

"Well, now you are different." He chuckled.

"How so?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Maybe we'll talk about it next time." He sat beside me and pulled me closer to him and I rested my head against his chest while his chin rested above my head.

"Mitsu, promise me whatever bad happens to you, you'll come straight to me. I lost you once, and I don't want to lose you again." He sounded hurt.

"I'm sorry you have to go through that pain again." I apologised.

"So long you're in my arms now, everything is fine." He smiled and kissed my head.

"Get some rest."

I smiled and nodded. This was nice. I closed my eyes and leaned on him as l slowly drifted away into the unknown.

My Boss Is A 1000Years Old Demon Lord|| Muzan X Mitsuki|| Kimetsu No YaibaWhere stories live. Discover now