Chapter 28: Count On Me

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Mitsuki pov

Ugh! My morning just had to be ruin by Vanessa! After Zach gave me a morning kiss, he went to work, then she came along. I know she likes Zach for I don't know how long already, but I heard she's been hitting off with Tsukihiko in his office. That girl has no shame! I trust Tsukihiko since I saw him reject her by ignoring her presence, walking past her, or shoved her away. I know I hate him, but the way he treats her, I gave a thumbs up!

"Ugh! Here we go again." I groaned.

"You think you're so high and mighty cause of all the fame and glory you got, well nice try, don't forget I gain success earlier than you and without my guidance, you're nothing! You don't deserve to stand in this building!" She scowled.

"Why do you keep mentioning about the past? What already happens, happens. No matter how much you regretted treating me nicely for a month, it still happens. So suck it up, woman and live with your shame!"

"Hmph! Do you think you're better than me cause the company's new chairman favours you a lot? Like shit, you just live under the same roof with him, doesn't make you a star!"

"Me? A brat? Gurl, you need a mirror and a whole new make-up box, cause the ones you used, unfortunately, can't hide enough of your stinking personality." I retorted.

"Oh yeah, well-"

"Mrs Hills, is there a problem?" Tsukihiko came just the right time.

"N-No, she bullied me Mr Kibutsuji! You shouldn't be staying with someone like her! She's a no-good brat and a diva-"

"Are you saying I've poor taste in choosing where to stay?" He raised an eyebrow.

"N-No, t-that's not I meant!"

"Are you refusing to what I said then?" He glared.

"N-No, l-"

"If you have nothing else but to insult my employee, please go ahead, I dare you." I can see a vein starting to appear on his face.

Man, I've never seen him that mad before, and it's scary.

"N-No, I'll leave! I'll leave!" She quickly left.

Then Tsukihiko took out his phone and dialled a number before putting the phone near to his ear.

"Hi, yes. I need you to fire Vanessa Hills for me. Yeah, I order you to. Yeah, okay. No, don't give her this month's salary. Don't question my orders. Good, bye." He hangs up and starting to walk away.

I literally almost choked on my saliva. He did not just call someone to fire Vanessa! She's like, a rich man's daughter and nobody dares to say anything bad to her, not even the boss. This guy is interesting.

"I assume you know her family's background right? You should think this through before doing something that irrational." I said as I followed him.

"She's rich. So?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Her family is rich and powerful. Firing their daughter means a big loss to the company." I said.

"Am I suppose to be intimidated by a family who can't even take care of their own daughter? Besides, she's been ticking me off these days, and just now she came and insulted you like that, is unforgivable." He scowled.

Wait a minute! Did he just do all those things to stand up for me?

"Thanks." I looked down and blushed.

"For what princess?" He frowned.

"For sticking up for me, but I can stick up for myself, you know."

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