Chapter 64: Why Do I Care?!

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My days were so fucking boring! Without Muzan around to bicker, I never know my life could be so dull, even though I'm famous. They did announce their wedding and their engagement party which is happening next weekend.

That fucking asshole has been avoiding me since that day! Well, if he's not talking to me, then I'm not talking to him either! Vanessa also starting to always hang out in his office, which is a bother to me. So, one day I decided to spy on them.

"You sure his door is sound proof?" I raised an eyebrow as I asked his secretary.

"Yes, but maybe you can get the CCTV footage from the guard." He said awkwardly.

"Oh sure, thanks. Here. A hundred dollars. If you tell anyone, I'll haunt your dreams you got that?!" I handed him the money and glared right into his soul. It's one of my powers to input fear on someone.

He started to shake in fear and nodded.

"Good." I smiled and walked away.

"You got what you wanted?" Zach asked as the elevator door opened. He was leaning against the wall across me with his arms folded across his chest.

"No, but he told me another way to get it." I went in and said.

"I can't believe I got you to talk me into your craziness." He shook his head and sighed.

"Get used to it. This isn't the first time I'm stalking someone." I smirked.

"Oh God, please don't tell me I was one of your victims." He groaned.

"You were cheating on me. So I guessed we're even." I snapped.

"Ugh, fine." He rolled his eyes.


"You're such a stalker. Are you sure you don't like him?" Zach raised an eyebrow.

"No, and shut up. It looks like they're only doing PDA. No Sex, but still they have a very heated make-out session! See how they touched each other?!" I shouted at the screen.

"Wow, not jealous Huh? I should take a video of you right now and show it to you how crazily obsessed you are and you're still stubborn to admit your feelings for him." He said with his arms across his chest.

"Me? In love with him?" I scoffed.

"Miki, you have been stalking the guy for the whole day and got happy when you find out they're not having sex but got angry again cause they're making out and touching each other. How is that not jealous?!" He shouted.

You know, come to think of this. He's right. I haven't been myself lately. What's wrong with me? It's like I'm losing myself...

"You're right. I shouldn't get all worked up over it." I pulled back.

"What?! No that's not my point here!" He snapped.

"Then what is it?" I frowned.

"You like him." He exclaimed.

"Haha, shut up." I laughed.

"Miki, I-"

"I mean it." I snapped.

"Come on, before someone spots us." I closed the laptop and walked away.



"No, get off." I pushed her away.

"Aww, come on. We're going to get married anyway. Why not do it early so it can see it's beloved parents?" She pouted on the ground in her lingerie.

"This is an office, not a brothel." I snarled as I buttoned up my shirt.

"Ugh, you're so lame." She muttered under her breath.

"Excuse me?!" I snapped.

"Nothing, darling." She smiled.

I growled and ordered security to throw her out, again. Seducing me and interrupting my work, I thought I can give her a shot but I felt nothing. The emptiness was unbearable, just like when it happened with Rei. I'd rather spend my time with that brat, than someone as stubborn as her who just keeps coming to my office and demanding office sex, even though I told her I don't want to go that far.

"How many times I have to tell all of you to never let her in?!" I shouted and slammed the table.

"Sorry, sir. It's just that she threatens us if we won't let her in, she'll report this to her father." My security and secretary explained.

"I think Vanessa's father is the least of your worries." I snarled. I'm going to have that old man property, who is at the urged of death.

"Remember who you're working under." I scowled.

"Is it me or that damn father of hers?!" I shouted and slammed the table again.

"I'm sorry, sir."

"Get out, and don't let me see her in my office again!" I shouted.

This was so irritating. I need to calm down and think...

I wondered what's Mitsuki up to right now. Maybe I could go and check on her. I grabbed my coat and wrapped it around me as I walked out. I informed my assistant that I'll be out for a short while and he must keep things in charge while I get back. I went to the other department and saw many stars rehearsing their songs or shows but I didn't see Mitsuki around.

I frowned. Where the hell is she?!

"What the fuck are you doing here?!" I turned around and saw Chris glaring at me.

What's she doing here?

"I can ask the same to you too. Aren't you pregnant? You should stay at home and rest." I raised an eyebrow.

"I came here to deal with some matter. What are you doing here?" She frowned.

"To see the improvement of my employees." I bluntly replied.

"You're here to see Miki, aren't you? Seriously, if you want to lie, don't look so fake." She growled.

Fake? Am I that easy to see through?

"Miki isn't here. In fact, she's hanging out with her boy friends. It shouldn't bother you, should it? Since I heard you said you're done with her, and moved on with your life." She scowled.

"Of course not. I'm just worried about her and since she's with her boy friends, then I shouldn't even be worried at all." I gritted my teeth and clenched my fist.

"Alright then, see you at home." She waved and left.

I clenched my jaw, as veins appeared on my forehead. Mitsuki is entertaining men right now?! She's so de-

Wait a minute, why do I care? Get it together, you wanted to leave her so whatever she does doesn't concern you one bit!

"You need a therapist."

"No, I don't need anyone."

That's Mitsuki voice. My ears perked up and listened careful.

"He's sobering you."

"No one is sobering me."

That is her voice! I followed her sound and spot her in a room with those two boys inside. What's their name again? Zach I think, and the other one I have forgotten.

I hid behind the door and listened to their conversation.

"Why are you so stubborn to admit you like that guy?!" Asked Zach frustratedly.

"Can we just drop the topic and move on? I have a date later." She rolled her eyes.

A date? She's going on a date?!

Then I heard footsteps getting louder, I quickly walked away and went back into my office.

I can't believe that brat has the audacity to date someone behind my ba-

Wait a minute, why do I care whom she dates?!

My Boss Is A 1000Years Old Demon Lord|| Muzan X Mitsuki|| Kimetsu No YaibaWhere stories live. Discover now