Chapter 26: Talking With Kokushibou

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Mitsuki pov

"There you are!"

I walked into an Italian restaurant that Koku just texted me. I saw him waving his hand up high, signalling me and smiled. He's wearing a normal black collared shirt with long sleeves and a white tie to go with. He's in his human form, well that's good.

"Um, hi." I waved.

"Hi, you look astounding as always, especially without the mask to hide your face." He smiled.

"Please, have a seat." He gestured towards the chair across him.

"Thanks." I took the seat across him.

After we ordered our food, we just sat there staring at each other, until Koku cleared his throat and tried to start a conversation.

"So, do you like Italian food?" He asked.

"Not bad, but I prefer simple stuff."

"Aren't you rich? Why choose casual?"

"It never hurts to act like normal people, doesn't it?"

"I guess not."

What's the point anyways? Every food tastes like shit to me, and I was thinking of saving a little money on something that I can't eat.

"So, have you been bike racing lately?"

"No, I only do that when I was seriously pissed off."

"Is that so? You do illegal things because you're pissed off? Interesting. May I know what makes you so angry to do something so reckless at that time?" He asked.

"It's my boss." I rolled my eyes.

"What about him?"

"He's just sooo, irritating. He's in his mood swings and it pisses me off every time." I snarled.

"I see. He seems to anger you so many times."

"He did. All the time." My smile twitched.

"Enough about me. What about you? Do you have a boss with problems?" I asked.

"I do, but he doesn't have problems. He's perfect. Everything about him screams perfection. You should meet him one day." He said.

"Okayyy, he sounds narcissistic."

"Don't you dare speak to him that way!" He roared.

"Geez, sorry. So when I can meet him since you're so obsessed with this man." I asked.

"Before I do, I'll ask you one thing, do you want to become a demon?" He asked.

Calm down Mitsuki! Calm down! If you do this right, you'll finally get to meet Muzan! The guy who psychologically obsess with you and wants revenge. You can get benefit from him.

"Yeah, sure. Demons are seriously awesome!"

"So you want to turn into one?"

"Yes, and is that possible?" I asked innocently.

Of course, it is! I'm a creator of demons myself! So does that ass! I really wonder how he turns into one? The last time I saw him, he's sick and bedridden, now he's a ruthless sadistic leader, I wonder what happens? I was born into one, and I was definitely sure he turns into a demon, but how?

You know, I heard stories about him from Koku, saying how he rules and what a great leader he is, but in my mind, all I heard, is a sick ass demon who doesn't give mercy on others. I wonder what happens to the Muzan I used to know. He's sweet and caring and supportive, not to mention kind but has a huge ego and too prideful, but still he's a great guy. I wonder what changes this great guy into killing machine? I mean, he could never even bring himself to hurt a fly!

I realised, him and l, are just alike. Well, I would do anything to get what I want, just like him. It's been fucking months now and I still can't find that damn sneaky fox!

That damn thing miraculously escaped from me, when I turned my back for one second! The tails that grow behind her back are powerful and plus, cool, that's why I want it. It's something like Kaneki Ken himself!

Yeah, that's right! I like Kaneki Ken! He's my idol! He's so cool and the fact that he wins every battle that's thrown to him is just amazing!

"Of course it is! I'm sure that man has already taken a liking to you." He smiled.

"Why? He knows me?"

"I talk to him about you before, and he seemed quite pleased." He said.

Wait What?! He talked about me in front of him before?! Does that happen often or What?!

"So when can I turn into one?" I asked.

"I'll try talking to him when I have a chance. He's a very busy man, with a family and a company to run. So I'll contact you again, and we'll meet each other to go and see him." He said.

Wait! Hold the phone! A family?! A fucking family?! Does he have a fucking wife and kids?! Then why am I so worked up over it?!

"Oh, I see. So that man has kids. They're going to inherit the father's place or something?" I laughed awkwardly.

I had no idea why that bothers me a lot!

"Oh, they're fake. It's just a disguise to him. He never actually loves his family, especially having kids. None other the fact that the kid isn't his own, he killed the woman's late husband and that time, she's already pregnant." He explained.

Well, that's just sick! Making a move on a woman who just lost her husband, is a sick joke! What does he take women for?!

"I see. Can I ask you something? Why do you trust me so much with this much information?" I asked.

"Well, you're going to become one of us, so you should at least know something about that man. He's our leader and the father of all demons, the first of our kind. You should know that."

First of his kind? Puh-leaze! I'm the real deal here! I was born one and I'm even a few hundred years older than him, and I'm pretty sure about that!

"What about Mitsuki? I heard she's also the first of her kind?"

"Where did you hear that?" He suddenly gets worked up.

"Woah! Slow down! This is Hollywood, rumours easily spread around here. You know all the gossip and stuff. I heard there's a demon queen living here."

And you're looking right at her.

"She's a fraud! Our master is the real thing here!"

How dare you!!!!! I'm an actually the real deal here! I bet I'm even more powerful than your sick ass womanizer!

"Okay, why would you want to know about her?"

"Don't be scare, but there's going to be a war between us and her demons, so that man wants us to gather information about her whereabouts or anything as our advantage." He said.

"So, have you?" I asked, feeling angry because who the hell would leak information about me.

They better keep their mouths shut, if they still want to live!

"Nothing. They rather die than betray their leader. Loyal folks tho, but too bad they chose the wrong side." He shook his head and sighed.


"You'll be fighting the war with us one day. So I expect high results from you." He glared at me.

What? Does he think I'm backing away from a fight? Ha! Over my dead body! I live to annihilate others! That's the fun in life!

"You guys can count on me. I won't back down without a fight!" I said with so much determination.

I find it ridiculous that I'm fighting on their side, even if it's force, but they're actually fighting against me. I'm the enemy's leader!

"Oh the food is here, we'll talk later." He smiled.

Man, what have I gotten myself into?

My Boss Is A 1000Years Old Demon Lord|| Muzan X Mitsuki|| Kimetsu No YaibaWhere stories live. Discover now