Chapter 8: The Past And Cheating?

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Mitsuki pov

I woke up by the sound of a loud thunder from outside. I got down from my bed and tried to listen to the sound of rain since I couldn't see anything through the window due to someone's orders to cover them up with wood planks! It's raining, no, it's pouring!

I sigh and walk out to Emily's room. I take a quick peep inside to see if she's awakened by the thunder but I see her still sleeping soundly on her bed. Should have thought earlier, she's a huge sleeper.

I walk downstairs and towards the kitchen, and pour myself a cup of coffee and walk back to the living room and switch on the lights. I place my coffee on the coffee table and go to take my laptop. After that, I sit on the couch with a coffee in my hand and I switch on my laptop. I take a sip again and place the coffee down before typing in the password. It unlocks and a pair of familiar pair of ocean blue eyes staring back at me from my laptop.

Its a picture of me and Zach taking a selfie in Paris. Aww, I still remember that day, but it is all in the past now...

Great, now the words that Alvin said in the game kept repeating in my head. The fact that I am good in bed...

I know you think it is disgusting, having sex with your brother, although he has no blood-related with me. I haven't had sex with him for a while now, I stopped doing it when I started dating Zach. I told you, I fuck and I play, but I don't cheat, especially if it's my brother. Eww...

I hesitantly change the background into a much better one. My family...

I was holding the selfie stick in the middle and Chris wrapped her arms around my waist, hugging me and Alvin wrapped his arm around my shoulder, winking at me, and Teresa hugged me from behind, her head rested on my shoulder. Braz is surprisingly in the photo as well. He likes to isolate himself. He's standing aside from the four of us, looking annoyed.

I smile at the photo. I have never felt happier in my life than all of my fake love relationships. My parents never loved me and I was betrayed by the one I thought who actually loved me for who I am, but I was wrong. Men only like beautiful girls, I should see that coming from a mile away before falling for one. Few thousand years have passed since I actually fell for someone before I became like this.

I remember my first love, but I don't remember the guy anymore. Whatever, he's long dead now. I just remember he's a sick human with terrible parents who dislikes me because of my face. Predictable, he's rich and has a title. Of course, they don't want a girl with a half-burnt face to be with him. Hmm, I wonder what happened after I left. Did he move on and get married and have a beautiful family, or did he died because of his sickness and wants to haunt me forever as a ghost?

Okay, the last part doesn't make sense. He's probably reincarnated by now.

I don't remember him. I don't remember his face, his name, his hair or smile or anything any more. All I remember is his betrayal, and a cool necklace he gave me. It can separate in half and our names are crafted behind the Ying and Yang necklace, and when you stick them together, our name turns into one cute couple name. Too bad I have forgotten what it is. He took the Yang, while I took the Ying. I remembered he also took my favourite hairpin. That was the day I agreed to be his woman and I was over the moon, but I should know, it is ridiculous and pathetic for someone as nice and good as him, could fall in love with someone as ugly as me...

I still keep the necklace, inside my music box that was given by my siblings as a special birthday gift since I don't know when is my birthday so they just celebrate it in one of the days. I loved it, but most of all, I love them.

I had a really tough life, my parents hated me, I got betrayed on the same day the guy of my dreams said he loved me. I have been fighting from the first day when I was born into this miserable world. I have been fighting my foes, nightmares, my life, and I never back down in a fight.

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