Chapter 20: The Truth Behind The Mask

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Mitsuki pov

So, my first love's name is Muzan?

That fucking name has been in my head the entire journey back home after l gain information about some things, and it took the whole day. Sabrina can't seem to stop on the 'save him and he'll save you' shit that it dragged the whole day to actually gain what I came for.

Ha! Turns out my first love is still not dead and has been grudging against me for thousands of years and now he wants revenge by raging war against me. Okay, more like I started it, but we will still have to face each other on the battlefield.

I know, crazy right?

Am I scared? Heck no! It's over between us. Is not like when I see him again, I'm going to cry into his arms and we'll be reunited and ride a unicorn into the sunset, together.

I needed to puke.

I don't even remember what he looks like anymore.

"Where have you been?"

I closed the door, feeling my energy drained out due to shock before I heard a cold voice in front of me. I looked up and saw Tsukihiko standing on the staircase as it seemed to me he's coming down from it. His icy cold glare seemed to freeze my heart as his expression is emotionless, like a dead zombie.

Pfft, zombie. That reminds me of that time I hit him in the face with the pillow as we all mistook him as Michael Jackson who came back from the dead.

I mean, that guy literally looks like him.

"Business, you don't understand."

"Really? I thought you died and you came back from the dead to attend your own funeral, and l see you're prepared for the occasion." His eyes stared at me from head to toe as he folded his arms across his chest.

Ugh! I really want to slap this guy right out from my face!

"What are you doing here? Don't you have a family to take care of?" I snarled.

"Rei-san is asleep with Yumi-chan in their bedroom." He replied.

"So, aren't you going to join them? They're your family after all. You should spend time with them other than locking yourself up in the room doing work." I scoffed.

"I still have work to finish so I'll be up all night. Besides, they have each other to keep themselves company." He bluntly replied while still staring at me.

What. The. Fuck. He did not just say that?!

"Answer me this. To be honest, do you love your family?" I glared knowing the answer already by heart.

"Yes, and what made you think something like that?" He replied with a calm smile, indicating that nothing is wrong and he truly loves them.

Pfft, Screw This Bastard! I'm not falling for his tricks.

"You don't. You seriously don't care about them, even if they're dead. You married her because of her family background. You never care about them. Your eyes show the truth about you. So drop that smile off your face and tell me the truth." I glared.

His calm loving smile turned into a scowling malevolent glare.

"I try to play nice to you, but it seems that it backfired. I have to say I'm surprised for someone as pathetically annoying and dumb as you have the smarts to uncover the truth. Too bad that smart brain of yours is wrongly used." He growled.

"Puh-leaze, you were never nice to me in the first place. You barged into my house without my permission, took away my freedom and touched me but most of all, raped me in your office. Those actions already indicated who you really are behind that fake mask. I read you like a book. Your eyes say it all. They were cold as ice when you're with your family so I figure it out."

"As much as I want to kill you, I need you alive. Bless your fame for saving you from death because if I killed you, I believe the entire world would search every nook and cranny to find the killer since their beloved star is dead." He snarled.

"You better keep that cute little mouth of yours shut, or I'll make your life as miserable as hell itself." He snarled.

"I am not gonna say anything to anyone. Rei is mindlessly attracted to you, and she's happy with her daughter and her fake loving husband, I'm not going to be the villain who takes everything away from her since the real bad guy is just standing beside her. She's a nice woman, she deserves to be happy, and as a friend, I'm not taking away her smile, just because her husband is a lunatic." I retorted

"Why you little brat?!" He scowled.

We basically had a glaring contest, but Tsukihiko cut it off by clearing his throat.

"If you just keep your mouth shut and hands off my business, we're fine and pretend this never happens. I need you to sign some documents."

"Later, I need to eat. I'm starving, I haven't eaten anything when I wake up till now." I clutched my stomach, feeling sick as I walked past him towards the kitchen.

"Oh, I'll see what the cook can prepare for you." He said

"Don't bother. There's no one here. Besides, it is eleven o'clock, everyone is asleep." I said.

"Then what are going to do? Cook for yourself?" He scoffed.

"Yeah, that's what I'll do. Is there a problem sir?" I took an apron from which was hanging behind the door and wore it over my head tied the strings behind my back.

"You can cook?" He asked in astonishment.

"Yeah, how is that weird?" I tied my brown hair into a high ponytail.

"I thought you don't know anything because you're spoilt." He bluntly replied.

"Excuse me?!" I glared.

"You were born with a silver-spoon on a silver platter. Of course, I thought you're pampered by your parents." He scoffed.

"Wait What? You thought all my money came from my parents?" I asked.

"Isn't it obvious?" He raised an eyebrow.

Calm down Mitsuki! He doesn't know what you are.

"My guess was your parents are dead and all their fortune is passed down to Braz, and now you and your siblings are famous, you're ten times richer than you're back then."

Okay first, the famous ones are me and Teresa and Chris. Alvin is working in Starbucks and Braz, he's jobless. He secretly works for me. Second, how can he assume such things?! Calm down Mitsuki! Deep breaths, humans are known for their assumption.

"Yeah, you're right. What are you? A genius Einstein?" I giggled.

"It is obvious. Your brain mast has malfunction again."

Ugh! Fuck you Kibutsuji Tsukihiko! One day, just you wait! You'll have your downfall, and we'll see who's high and mighty now?!

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