Chapter 75: Home Alone

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It has been a whole damn month since I have seen Muzan and Koku or any other upper moon demons. Well, not that l care about Muzan and the others, what really scares me is that what will Muzan do with Koku. That fucking question has been in my head for so long. I did see Muzan, but we just walk by like strangers. We didn't even bother to give each other any glances. I also don't know what to talk to him. If I asked him about Koku, that will only make matters worse.

"Damn it! Sebastian is busy with Chris and no one is here to pick me up! It's pouring cats and dogs, and I didn't even have an umbrella with me. I guessed I have to take a cab home." I sighed as I wore my face mask for disguise.

I need to stay back after working hours because of my new album coming up, so I let Sebastian sent the others home first, and I even told him not to fetch me cause I don't want to trouble him.

I got off the cab few meters away from my house cause I don't want anyone to know where I live, even though the driver doesn't know who l am, but I don't want to risk any chances fans knocking down my door.

"Ugh! I'm soaked!" I walked in and took off my jacket.

"Teresa?! Chris?! Alvin?! Braz?! Anyone?!" I yelled throughout the hallway but no one responded.

"Weird, I wonder where's everyone?" I frowned as I took out my phone and checked the messages.

Oh, turns out all of them are attending some fancy party while I'm stuck here in this house. Party? Do we have a party? Why don't I remember it?

Tch, who cares?! I have the whole house to myself!

"Home Alone! Yes! Where's my whipped cream?!" I shouted and fist bump the air.

"Don't get too excited, princess."


I looked up and saw Muzan staring down at me from the staircase.

"Oh, it's you. How unfortunate." I rolled my eyes.

"That doesn't mean you can trash the house. Get upstairs and take a shower. You'll get sick in those wet clothes." He snarled.

"You don't get to order me around!" I snapped.

"I don't, but as the responsible one, I have to keep your childish attitude in check." He scowled.

"I'm not childish!"

"You said you want to eat lots of whipped cream when no one is around. How irresponsible." He snarled.

"Oh great, we have a male version of Teresa." I rolled my eyes.

"Go to your room and shower and change your clothes!" He shouted and left.

Tch, out of all places, why does he have to be here?!


"Ahh, feels nice." I smiled as I walked out of the bathroom after a long nice relaxing bath.

I wore one of Muzan's white shirts that he gave it to me last time and sat on the bed, drying my wet hair.

Then suddenly someone knocked on the door. I knew who it was.

"Come in." I said.

He walked in and closed the door, I turned and we made eye contact with each other.

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