Chapter 92: A Manipulative Boyfriend

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"And a one and a two, and a one-two-three-four!"


"Stop stretching my muscles!" I screamed.

"Sorry, it's just exercising. No pressure." Chris shrugged.

"Oh, I'll show you what pressure is!" I groaned as I support my back.

"Hey, guys!"

We turned our heads towards the sound of a cheery voice and our eyes widened and jaws dropped.

It's fucking Jessica!

"The" Jessica

What the fuck was the friend of my enemy is doing here?!

"Hey, Jessie!" Everyone greeted.

"What are you doing here?" I snapped.

"Miki, don't be rude." Teresa nudged my shoulder.

"Wait, didn't Vanessa tell you we're on our vacation here?" She gave us that innocent look.

"Oh, didn't she tell you? She got fired." I smirked cockily and felt satisfied at her shocking reaction.

"No, what happened?" She frowned.

"She got fired by the new- Wait a minute! She's here, with you!" I explained halfway as I realised this bad statement.

"Yeah, she is in the VIP- Hey! Where are you going?!" Cried Jessica as I "Naruto Run" back into the hotel.


Cause my fucking boyfriend is there with a conniving snake!


"Tsukihiko!" I barged in like a madwoman.

I took in a sharp breath.

There were clothes all over the floor, leaving a trail to the bedroom...

"I hope I'm wrong." I mumbled as I felt a lump in my throat.

I walked over the pile of clothes and when I snapped back into reality, I'm already in front of the bedroom door.

I put my ear against the door. No moaning, or panting, or skin slapping, or even talking. It's just dead silence.

I pulled back and reached out for the doorknob, turning it and pushed the door slowly.

My eyes widened at the sight.

Vanessa was lying on our bed, naked while Muzan was ordering Kokushibou who was kneeling down on one knee, lowering his head.

"Muzan?" I squeaked.

Finally, his attention was on me as he seemed to be very focused on Kokushibou. Hie fiery gaze turned soft as he stared at me when he realised I was the one who disturbed whatever he was doing.

"Muzan, she..." I pointed at Vanessa and gave him a hurtful look.

"She just walks in like that and trying to seduce me. Kokushibou came just in time and I ordered him to deal with this situation and I'm glad he did." He explained.

"You're not lying?" I raised an eyebrow.

"My love, you know I never lie to you." He gave me a soft smile.

"Really? Pretending to be married and a human boss is pretty much lying to me." I scoffed.

"Mitsuki, I'm serious. Nothing happened."

My Boss Is A 1000Years Old Demon Lord|| Muzan X Mitsuki|| Kimetsu No YaibaWhere stories live. Discover now