Chapter 93: Pregnancy

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"We need to break up."

Wh-what?! She did not just say those petty words out in my face!

"You need to think this through. I am giving you a second chance to take back what you have just said." I scowled.

I was livid as my eyes glowed red and veins popped out from my forehead and neck.

"I am. You need to appreciate me and our love if you want this to continue. I'm not dating an egotistical guy thinking he's too good for the world and decided to take things for granted. What you just said was over the line. I need your support on this as I don't want to ruin my relationship with my sisters and you arrogantly said I will choose you. Think about what you just said before coming back to me." She snarled before turning around, trying to leave.

"Don't you dare turn your back on me! If you leave, you could never think of coming back again!" I shouted.

"Tch, you're so self-absorbed. You think you're some god and everyone wants to be with you? What makes you think I want you to breathe the same air as me." She scoffed before walking out, without even bothering to look back.

"Dammit!" I yelled and threw everything around the room.

"She dares to choose a few giggly girls over me?!"

"Muzan-sama- Oh My, bad timing!" Douma came in from the window and purred my name before looking around and realised he came in a bad time.

"Don't you dare leave." I snarled as he turned and almost climbed off the window.

"Well, what do you want me to do? She dumped-"

"Kibutsuji Muzan! You conniving heartless ass dickhead!!!" Teresa came knocking down my door.

Great, now what?

"I trust you with my sister's happiness and look what you did!"

"She left. Not my problem." I snarled.

"She did. Why?! Because of your stupid pride and bad intentions!"

"Me? You're the one who made her choose between me and you."

"Really? Then how did that go for you?" She taunted.

I bit my cheeks and clenched my fist to prevent myself from lashing out at her.

"You better watch what you're saying." I warned.

"Talk to her, but that doesn't mean we're still happy if you guys got back together." She scowled.

"Shut up. She would be the one crying and begging for me to take her back  not the opposite." I scoffed.

"Really? We'll see, we'll see." She smirked.



"Home sweet home!" I flopped myself on the bed.

These past few days have been tough. Muzan and I broke up and he's expecting me to cry and beg for him to take me back?

Not going to happen in a gazillion years, bastard!

I haven't seen him anywhere and I think he's trying to avoid bumping into me or something. Figures, I don't want to see him as well. Even if we did saw each other in the bus or living room, we would just turn our heads away from each other and walked away silently.

Suddenly, I felt something coming up from my throat as I quickly speed off to the bathroom, opened up the toilet seat cover and puke inside. This isn't my first rodeo. I have been vomiting and having headache and stomach cramps two days before. Teresa insisted on visiting the doctor but I refused. Eating antibiotics from the pharmacy is already good enough for me but why does this keep happening?

"Hey, are you okay?" Alvin came in and saw me in the middle of my throwing up session and he squatted down beside me and helped me pulled my hair back.

"The girls said you have been sick lately. I just came up and fetch you to see a doc-"

"No doctors!" I yelled.

"Okay. At least see Braz or you won't get any better." He said.

"Fine." I groaned.

I washed my mouth and went down to see Braz.


"You fucked up, little sis." He sighed after he examined me.

"What? What is causing me like this?" I frowned.

"I'm not congratulating you, cause you're pregnant." He scoffed and rolled his eyes.






What the fuck?!

"Wait what?!" I screamed.

"You heard me, you're pregnant. You got a little you in there. Great, now I have to prepare two biggest baby bottle in the world." He rolled his eyes.

"Fuck you! Who wants that?!"

"You better watch that mouth before your child takes up your bad habits. I don't want two mother and child yelling curse words at both sides of my ear." He rolled his eyes.

Is he serious?!

"What? So what happens? Do you know what causes her to be sick like this?" The rest came down and asked.

"Little baby Mitsuki is inside her, causing her to puke and have headaches or whatever else she's having." Braz gestured towards my womb.

Everyone stared at my womb, processing everything before they realised and their eyes widened and jaws dropped so low to the ground.

"I'm going to become an aunt!"
"I'm going to become an uncle!"

My ears...

"No one is becoming anything!" I shouted and they looked at me, horrified.

"Wait, you are intending to get rid of it?" Teresa asked in disbelief.

"I don't know what to think right now. Muzan and I broke up and-"

"Wait! Are you sure is his? Try to remember when you got onto the bed with anyone."

"Of course it's him! I haven't fucked anyone other than him! Besides, we did it in the hotel on the first day!" I screamed.

Everyone was silent.

"Considering the time is a coincidence, it is him." Teresa nodded.

"Aww, there's a little Muzan and Mitsuki inside you." Chris sighed in awe.

"It's only been a few days. I must say, you haven't been eating or sleeping well, that's why you are getting the symptoms. Eat and rest more, then the baby will be healthy." Braz advised.

"Are you going to tell him?" Chris asked.

"You don't have to, he'll know apparently. He's a demon after all. He can sniff you out by the second you are alone with him." Said Braz.

"Well, I suggest you better tell him, before it gets worst if he founds out you're hiding it from him." Alvin advised.

"He's right you know. Muzan hates you to not tell him anything, especially something this big." Teresa nodded.

"And besides, he's the biological father. He has every rights to know about this." Chris added.

"Fine! I'll tell him! Happy?! But if he doesn't want to take the responsibility, then I'll do it without him!" I growled.

"That's great! I'm happy you have decided to tell him and keep the baby." Teresa smiled.

I hope this all goes well...

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