Chapter 15: Michael Jackson

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Mitsuki pov

After saying goodbye to Emily, I closed the door and immediately got yelled by some asshole.

"Oi MK! When is the popcorn going to be ready?!" Alvin shouted.

"You wait lah!" I shouted back.

"Well, hurry up!" Teresa prepared the blankets.

"So which one? The p18 or the p13?" Chris asked.

"What do we look like?! Amateurs?!" I spat.

"Fine! Which one? The Grudge from 2020 or 20-"

"2020! That is fucking p18!" I shouted.

"Yeah! Remember that guy who doesn't let us go into the theatre?" Alvin laughed.

"Yeah! Fucking asshole! Wasted my whole day lining up to buy tickets but only to get rejected because it is p18! I'm fucking 20 years old! He said I look like 17!" I screamed.

"Ha! From what I know you snuck into the cinema." Teresa scoffed.

"I did. That's why I got ban!"

"Wait! How did I not know about this?"

"I went there with Alvin, Zach and John. We all got ban." I laughed remembering the good old days.

"Fuck you! You're the one who can't keep your hands to yourself! We don't need popcorn to watch enjoy a movie!" Alvin scolded.

"Screw you! I need popcorn to enjoy the movie! It is who I am! It is my destiny!" I shouted.

"Oh yeah, like that time Zach finger you in the middle of the movie and you accidentally moan out loud. That's so historical!" Alvin laughed.

"Shut up!"

"He touched you while- Oh My God, Why?" Teresa looked disgusted.

"Then they went to the bathroom to continue until the end of the movie." Alvin smirked.

"Shut up!" I shoved him my middle finger.

"And there's one time-"

"Stop! Before I can't take it any more!" Teresa interrupted.

"Aww, what's wrong? Can't handle it T?" Alvin mocked her.

"Don't ruin the moment. This is supposed to be a horror movie not some fifty shades of grey stuff." Teresa retorted.

"Oh yeah, remember you and Harry touched each other when you saw that movie? Damn you're so hot!" Alvin smirked at me

"Oh My God Stop!" Chris shouted.

I laughed. Yeah, good old days.


"Oh My God! The sound she made was so fucking creepy!" Teresa remarked.

Then I mimicked the sound and she just took the pillow and shoved it into my face.

"Stop it you jerk!" She kept hitting me with the pillow.

"So, what are we watching next?" Asked Alvin.

"Ugh! Enough about ghost. Let's watch a zombie movie. Train to Busan!" Said Chris.

Alvin played the movie and we continued watching it.

Mostly the whole thing from the start, Alvin and I just enjoyed the popcorn and our sisters' reaction. It was hilarious! Teresa and Chris kept on screaming or hugging each other. I find it cute that they take a pillow to cover their sight but they still peek a little or covering their ears and bring their legs closer to their chest which I find it very ridiculous but cute.

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