Chapter 4: First Time Getting To Know Each Other And I Already Despised Him

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Third-person pov

"How dare he moan her name!!!" Vanessa shouted as she slammed down her wine glass.

"Who?" Asked her friend, Jessica.

"Miki! We haven't even fucked yet! I was giving him a blowjob when he just moaned out her name! Damn that fucking bitch! She has his mind all around her!" Vanessa cursed.

"I told you that you'll just be one of his toys. This is the first time I actually see Zach fall in love. That's weird at some point." Said Jessica.

"I actually like Zach for two years. When they're dating, I was so jealous until the fact that I want to break them up, and it worked. Now, I don't know what to say anymore. He was never happy like he was with that bitch... Have I done anything wrong?! We were supposed to be a perfect match!" Vanessa shouted.

"You do know I heard from someone that he's trying to get her back right? I heard they said he almost fucked her in the men's bathroom just now." Said Jessica.

"Forget it. He's a playboy Tess, you can't expect this to be like some Wattpad story where the playboy fell for the heroine. You're better than him, don't make this-"

"Shut up! You don't understand! I've loved him for two years and he finally has the eyes to even look at me but here he is, making me his rebound! I'll get him back, and I'll get my revenge with that stuck-up bitch!" Shouted Vanessa and she drank her wine again.

"You really are stubborn. Have you broke up with him yet?" Asked Jessica as she shook her head in defeat.

"No, but he broke up with me! Saying this is wrong and he said he thought that he could get his mind off of her! Fuck you Miki! What does she has that I don't?! Why does everyone think she is better than me?! She's a playgirl and a fucker! How is that good?! I don't simply fuck people, and she does! Why can't he love me like her?!" Vanessa screamed at the top of her lungs.

It's a good thing that no one is here because they rented a private room in the bar, but the news easily spread, to the demon queen's ears.


The next day
Mitsuki pov

"So, she hates me ten times more now?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, that's what report said, your highness." Sebastian answered as he drove me to my company.

"Typical, I knew this would happen. Vanessa likes Zach and Zach likes me. What a perfect love triangle don't you think, Sebastian?" I look at my phone again, texting Teresa about the new report that just came in.

"He moaned out my name when she gave him a blowjob. That's just so pathetic. Probably now he founds out he loves me and he wants me back, just like all the other boys." I smirked.

"I know it's not my place to advice you but your highness, don't you think that your playerish ways need to come to an end. You are not only hurting yourself but others too." Said Sebastian.

"You know what? You're right. This isn't your place to talk to me like that. So I Advice you to focus on your driving and don't make me late for my meeting." I snarled.

"Yes, your highness. My apologies."


"You're here, surprisingly early."

"Why? I thought you hate my pranks? I think next time I better prepare them in-"

"No! Its good! No pranks today is a good sign. Keep it up." My CEO smiled.

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