Chapter 18: Plan

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Mitsuki pov

"You Said What?!" Chris shouted.

"Shut up! The West part is basically empty but that doesn't mean you can shout whenever you want. What if people overheard it?!" I scolded.

"Sorry, I was just surprised that the enemy already has made their move."

So, here's what happens. We're in the West side of the mansion since no one was allowed there only my family and we are currently discussing our plan for the upcoming war, like getting details by one another.

Braz is also joining us. He said he has been keeping an eye on Tsukihiko by getting close to him. Well, since they are smart and stuff, they hang around discussing some Science stuff or something. Apparently, he said Tsukihiko is cleaned, no suspicious activity, but still, I can't let my guard down.

"So, you're sure that this, Kokushibou and Douma are Muzan's subordinates." Braz asked.

"Yes, I've never seen them before and they're both look like powerful demons. I would have known their existence if they were one of my kind." I narrowed my eyes.

"So the enemy has made their move?" Alvin asked.

"It seems like that. Their leader can be around us, we just have to be careful." I said.

"Tell me Mitsuki, do you still intend to hunt for the kyūbi no kitsune?" Asked Braz.

"Of course! Imagine its power, and its tails, they're powerful enough to win a war." I said.

"But don't you need to increase your alleys or defences?"

"No! For now, I just need the powers of that damn sneaky nine-tailed fox!" I scowled.

"Again, you're power-crazy." Chris rolled her eyes.

"You're annoying, you know that?" I snarled.

"Having too much, means you're losing too. When are you going to open your mind?" Braz sighed as he adjusted his glasses.

"From the day I was born, power is something you need in order to live. The more you gain, the more people will beg for your mercy. It is something I need, and it is something I never intend to lose because, without it, you're nothing. You have no value to live as you'll be crush by the strong." 

"Again, that's what makes you a mon-"

I glared at Teresa.

"Try me, I dare you." I snarled and she quietly lowered her head.

I've hated that word for so long...

That's what my parents called me when I was born. That's what the villagers shouted at me as they threw trash towards me. That's what my first love's parents describe me. That's what everyone calls me for centuries...

Monster? I'm the definition of perfection! I can make anyone prostrate themselves just the waved of my hand. I can cut off anyone's head without even lifting a finger, just a glare will do. I can dismember anyone with just a snap of my finger. Point is, I can do any unimaginable things to anyone. I'm powerful! I'm invincible! I'm a God!

How is that a monster to you?!


"What?!" I shouted and the table threw itself over the wall and smashed into pieces of wood.

Calm down. I took a deep breath and let it out...

"You're in one of your moods again." Braz said and he eyed the other three who were trembling in the corner of the room. My eyes softened.

"Sorry, just forget about it." I said and grabbed my biker jacket and left.

I'm getting its power, and no one is going to stop me.

Because I'm God


Muzan pov

"Muzan-sama, l bring good news!" Douma cried.

"Go on." I didn't bother anyway, they probably kill some human and taking pride in doing so. My eyes on the book, but my ears are alert on what he has to say.

"Kokushibou-dono is in love and we're going to have a little wedding to celebrate!" Douma happily cried.

"What?" I snapped and looked up.

"Someone is actually not afraid of him."

"A human?" I frowned.

"Yes! Very surprising isn't-"

Before he could finish, Kokushibou smashed his jaw.

"Don't mind him, Muzan-sama. There's no one but you in my heart." He bowed.

"No worries. I want to know which human girl is not scared of you. Maybe if you bring her here, I can see if she's worthy of becoming one of us. Then you'll get to be with her, forever." I said

"Thank you, Muzan-sama, but I think it is better if we gain each other's trust before stepping on to the next level." He said.

He's right, l should see how trustworthy of her before turning her into one of my minions.

"I agree. What's her name again?"


"Last name?"

"I don't know, she doesn't easily trust anyone with her name. Letting me know her first is already an honour."

I frowned.

"Does she have any talent?"

"She's a great biker. She won her recent match yesterday night."

"I see"

A biker? Maybe I could make a good use out of this.

"My, my, I didn't know Kokushibou-dono would have fallen for a mere human girl just like that." Daki came in and purred.

"So, who's the lucky tiger?" She asked seductively.

"Be quiet. This is none of your business." He snarled and she looked away, pursing her lips.

"So what are you doing here, Daki? I'm expecting good reports from you." I said.

"Muzan-sama, it is nice to meet you too. I have brought a piece of very interesting news for you. Do you remember the petty girl who claims herself to be the demon queen? Yeah, she is actually here, in Hollywood."

I unintentionally dropped my book and my eyes widened due to the surprise news.

What?! M-Mitsuki is here?! In Hollywood?!

"How did you get that information?!" I sternly asked.

"Oh, I ran into some vampires and they gave me the information. Okay, more like I forced it out from them and killed them." She shrugged.

"You sure this information is confirmed?" I asked.

"Yes, Muzan-sama. She's here alright. So what's your plan to take down that phoney?" She smirked maliciously.

"I'll think about it later. In the meantime, keep me updated on what's going on around here. Nakime, send them back." I ordered.

Mitsuki, my love, I'll find you and I'll make you regret by leaving me for thousands of years. I'll take the lives of every one who is precious to you. Then you'll understand, how much pain I've suffered for centuries because of you.

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