Chapter 34: Who's Harry Styles?

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Mitsuki pov

"Give me Five more minutes!" I groaned.

"Come on! We're having breakfast." Zach tickled me.

"I'm dead."

"You're not ticklish? Okay, then." He soon left me and get a bucket of cold water from the bathroom and splashed it on me.

"What the fuck Zach?!" I screamed as I jolted up.

"I'm Fucking Soaked!"

"Yeah, I know. That's why I used that to wake you up." He smirked.

"You better start running cause I am going to kill you once I calm the fuck down!"


"No fair, he can't do that to you! That is the fun of dating!" Zach whined.

"Great, so now I have to call my other girlfriend to satisfy me now." He pouted.

"Well, since we're doing this, I guess I have to go and find Harry-"

"Don't you dare say Harry Styles. You're mine baby girl, not his." He growled as he possessively wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer.

His eyes flashed jealousy and anger, and I smirked with amusement.

"Go and find Vanessa, I have Harry after all." I smirked, provoking him. I just love to see guys jealous!

"Fuck you." He aggressively claimed my lips.

"Aww, and I thought you and Harry are getting back together."

We pulled away and turned our heads to see Teresa smirking at us, arms folded across her chest.

"What?!" He glared at both of us.

"I'm not into Harry Styles. You know who my husband is." I raised my hands to prove my innocence.

"You still love him more than me?" Zach looked heartbroken.

"Hey! Never compare yourself to Kaneki Ken! He's too good to be compared to anyone!" I smirked.

"Oh don't worry, she still keeps in touch with Harry. They texted each  last week." Teresa smirked, clearly enjoying his jealousy as well.

"You what?!"

"We're friends. You don't need to get so overly worked up about it. I already have someone I love for eternity, which is my sweet Kaneki Ken."


"Don't worry, you're just below him." I smiled and laughed along with my sister.

Zach scowled, but then he laughed along as well.


"I'll have to minus 100k from your salary again for your rude behaviour." Tsukihiko glared.

"Rei! Your husband is bullying me!" I faked cried.

"Hey MK, your phone is flashing." Alvin pointed at my phone which was placed just beside me.

I looked at it and smirked with amusement.

"It's Harry." I smirked.

"Put it down."

"It's just a text. Don't need to be so possessive over things." I said.

"Ooh, it's from Harry Styles. This is going to be good." Teresa smirked.

"What is it saying then?" Alvin asked.

"A threesome." I joked.

"Oh No! Put it down now!" Zach raised his voice.

"Aww, come on! You know a threesome is much better than normal sex." I pouted.

"If you're saying anything about sex stuff on the table again, minus 500k."

"Rei! Your husband is so mean to me!" I pouted, trying to act innocent.

"My lady, Emily is awake and requested to see you." Sebastian came.

"Okay. Oh yeah Zach, think about it." I winked and smirked before leaving my fuming boyfriend behind.


"Who on earth is Harry Styles?" Tsukihiko frowned.

Everyone gasped and turned their heads towards Tsukihiko. Our jaws unintentionally dropped as our eyes widened with shock.

"You don't know Harry Styles?!" Zach shouted.

"What kind of rock have you been living under?" I laughed.

"I'm sorry guys, he's not interested in any idol." Rei smiled and tried to console us.

"Still! Where have you been?! Climbing Mount Everest?! Is it too high for you until time slips away?!" I laughed.

Well, more like I'm the only one laughing. Everyone's just shocked and speechless while Tsukihiko just glaring daggers at me.

Ha! He doesn't know who the fuck is Harry Styles! What century does he live in? The 19s?!

"Stop laughing." Tsukihiko snapped.

"Aww, come on! That was hilarious!" I smirked.

"Don't make me deduct your salary." He snarled.

"Seriously? Don't you have any other ways to threaten people? This is getting old by the minute." I rolled my eyes.

"Sure, I'll take away your motorbike if I have to." He smirked.

"You dare?!" I hissed.

"Are we seeing Harry?" Emily gently tugged my sleeve.

"You're cheating on me with Harry?" Zach raised an eyebrow.

"No, I haven't seen him since last year. We just texted and face time with each other as friends. No need to get so worked up about it." I rolled my eyes.

"Again, who is Harry Styles?" Tsukihiko frowned.

"I'm surprised you never heard of him. He's in One Direction and they're pretty famous, but sadly they disband." I said.

"Forget it, I'm not interested in some boy band with pretty faces." He scoffed.

Pfft, if what he said was broadcast on the internet, I'm sure Directioners or Harries will come knocking down my door and demanding his head. Okay, maybe the head part is too exaggerating, but you get the idea.

"Well, he's my ex."


"The Internet went viral when they're dating." Teresa laughed.

"I'm going to work." Tsukihiko stood up and left.

What's his problem?

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