Chapter 52: Dance With Me

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"So I put my hands up
They're playing my song,
And the butterflies fly away
Noddin' my head like, yeah
Movin' my hips like, yeah
I got my hands up,
They're playin' my song
You know I'm gonna be okay
Yeah, it's a party in the USA
Yeah it's a party in the USA"

All of us sang in the car and move our head and body to the song, except for Tsukihiko who looked pretty much annoyed.

"Shut up and drive. I don't want to risk any accident when you're the driver." He glared at me.

"Tch, have a little fun." I rolled my eyes.

"Hey, Teresa I thought you're staying at home?" I asked.

"I just followed you guys to get Starbucks, then I'll take a cab home." She answered.

"Cool, well we are here. Call me when you get home." I parked a corner for Teresa and Alvin to get down.

"And remember our free drinks!" I yelled.

Teresa waved but Alvin shot me a middle finger. I laughed and blasted the radio before reversing.


"Ugh, is this what Valentine's party looks like? I think I need to kick it up a notch." I smirked.

"No! Don't do anything stupid." Tsukihiko warned.

"Aww, come on! What's fun if you can't throw the beats!" I groaned.

"Mr Kibutsuji, I'm surprised you came." A man in his early thirties came with a beautiful woman wrapped around his arm.

"Hello Mr Raymond, I'm glad to see you with your wife tonight." He held out his hand.

"And it's nice to see yours too." He shook it.

"Oh, her? She's not my wife but a simple employee who happens to be lucky standing beside me." He smiled then he turned to glare at me.

Well, that's my cue!

I glared back and simply walked away, leaving him talking business with his partner or something. I can't believe I got ditched by business! Now, what am I going to do?!

This is literally boring! Everyone talking and dancing like they are meant for each other. Ugh! Is there a window meant for only puking cause this is an emergency for this one standing right here!

"Miki, glad to see you here." I turned around and saw John.

"Sup, where is Zach?" I asked.

"He's with Chris." He replied.

"And you are with nobody?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I would introduce you to my partner, but she doesn't like to be seen around crowded places."

"Wow, you said it like she doesn't even exist." I rolled my eyes.

"Pft, she does." We laughed.

"Hey, guys." Zach came up and greeted us with Chris.

"Hey, you guys aren't dancing?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Nah, I'm pregnant." She smiled.

"Hey, why don't you dance with her." Chris nudged Zach's shoulder.

"What? No, l-"

"I'll be fine. Go on and enjoy yourself. Don't let me keep you away from fun." She smiled and took his hand and intertwined with mine.

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