Chapter 67: Engagement Party

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It has been a week and the fucking engagement party has arrived.

I knew I said I'm dying, so these past few days I have been trying to get close to my loves ones. You know, spending time with them, even Muzan. We chatted a lot and got to know one another again and I realised, he's not so bad after all. He's ambitious, maybe too ambitious and determined to become the perfect being in the world, so he's spreading his kind and hunting for the blue spider lily. I actually find his company comfortable and he does think so too. We chatted a lot and some times I even visited him in his office and he would tease me too. Apparently, Vanessa was too busy to visit him since she's started planning their party and wedding. I'm surprised their wedding is just two weeks before the party.

I asked him won't it be too early, but he said yes but that's what Vanessa wants. I rolled my eyes, she's so pathetically demanding. I also learnt some new knowledge whenever I visit him in his office. He would explain to me business stuff and economical encounters and surprisingly, I find his teaching skills are good. For the first time in my life, I felt like studying isn't so bad after all. The problem was I just had terrible teachers, such as Teresa herself.

I introduced Muzan to my world. I would play some songs to him whenever he's stressed out, especially his favourite, Gurenge. We would also cuddle together to watch a horror film and Muzan thought I was such a scaredy-cat like the other girls and would hug the guy whenever they got scared. Nice try, I'm not some 'other girls'. I was amused that this guy really enjoys gore, like Jigsaw. Basically, no one likes these kinds of stuff, well except for me, Alvin can't handle Jigsaw.

I also like the peace and quiet times when he would lie down and his head rested on my lap, he would close his eyes and I would softly play with his curly hair or massage his face, and some times I would hum a song, enjoying each other's company with silence.

Until the God damn party came.

As promised, I would take Koku as my date. Muzan have to stay back and deal with the decoration and the rest of us went back home. Apparently, none of them decided to go, but I force them because it will be rude not to attend.

"You look great." Koku smiled.

He's in his human form, wearing a suit with a black tie and leather shoes. That's so not the Koku I know. I was surprised that Douma tagged along with us. He's very keen to see the woman who is marrying their master and intends to gobble her up in the future. I scoffed due to the fact that he wants to see the woman before eating her. I'm sure Muzan doesn't mind one bit since he's marrying her for her family's money. Besides, compared with his previous wife, I'm sure this one is practically even worse cause of her bitchy attitude and he will decide to end her earlier.

"Welcome- Oh, it's you." Muzan and Vanessa were greeting people at the entrance and that's when Koku and I approached them.

"Yeah, it's me." I smirked.

"You better not mess this up. Who's this? Your new manwhore? I have to warn you she's a huge player. She'll probably dump you within a month so you better get away from her before it's too late." Vanessa whispered to me, then she started being a bitch about it.

"Welcome, I'm surprised you brought a date." Muzan smiled twisted a little.

Is he mad or something?

"Yeah, meet Koku, my date for tonight." I hugged his arm and leaned my head on his shoulder.

"How fascinating. Well, enjoy your night." He gritted his teeth.

I narrowed my eyes and walked in with Koku, who was sweating a bit. I guessed he's a little nervous, attending his master's engagement party. Speaking of Muzan...

What's his problem?!



What's her problem?!

Is she seeing one of my upper moons?! Is she interested in-


I snapped back and turned to meet a pair of beautiful rainbow colour eyes. What is he doing here?!

"Tsukihiko, you know him?" Vanessa raised an eyebrow.

"Of course he does! We're best friends forever." Said Douma cheerfully as he slung an arm around me. Oh, he's so dead when we get back.

"I'd see. Well, enjoy the party. We have food served in different types of country." Vanessa smiled.

"Really?! That's so nice! You must be the lucky woman who is going to spend the rest of your life with him! It's nice to meet you! You sure you're up to this? I must warn you, he can be really dangerous some times, especially if he's angry." Said Douma enthusiastically, but I can sense the double meaning of his words.

"Oh, it's okay. I love him, and that's all that matter." She batted her eyelashes at me.

I scoffed. Yeah, if she knows who l am really am or what I have done, she would have left me and went straight to the army.

"Okay, don't say I didn't warn you." Douma shrugged and walked in.

I can see the mischievous smile plastered on his face. I guessed he hopes this time he would get to devour my wife since the last time I chose someone else to do it.

I smirked as well, thinking about the downfall of this woman standing beside me, thinking that she will be having a perfect life with me.


"Darling, are you okay?" Vanessa asked with concern flashed in her eyes when I accidentally broke my glass wine with my bare hands.

There they were, dancing like some happy couple...

Vanessa wanted to dance, but I rejected the offer. I couldn't even care less, especially if it's my engagement party. This entire time, my eyes were fully staring at Mitsuki, admiring how magnificent she was, but slowly that admiration stare turned into a glare.

What the hell was he doing here?! I thought he got over her since she's the enemy! Apparently not! They were talking about something that made Mitsuki laughed so happily. What's she so happy about?! Then he guided her to the dance floor and they wrapped their hands around each other and slow danced.

That's when the glass I was holding shattered due to my rage, I must have grasped it too tight. I wished to just walk over there and pulled her into my arms and ripped his hands that were touching her body, which was only mine to touch! 

They talked while slow dancing, and they laughed. They really seem to be enjoying each other's company. I must admit, these days were the best days of my life. Even though we aren't even a couple, but it feels like it, even though we didn't actually do much, just hang around. Okay, so maybe I said I'll get over her, but now it's not the time to think why I'm seriously mad and wished to rip them apart.

"You sure you're okay?" She asked.

"I'll be fine if you could get me a napkin." I scowled.

"Oh, okay." She quickly went off and finally that nuisance was gone.

"What's wrong? Don't you think they look good together?" Douma came and asked with a smirk.


"You are getting married and she's getting a new boyfriend. Isn't it wonderful now that both of you are trying to move on from this unhealthy rela-"

"Finish that sentence, and I'll swear I would burn you under the sun." I snapped.

"I'm just speaking the truth. Don't need to get so mad about it. Besides, I heard you'll be moving out after the party anyways. Maybe she can finally get a new boyfriend or maybe a husband to-"

I grabbed his hand and broke it as my gripped tighten. He yelped and pulled back in pain, but soon enough that pain expression turned into a smirk.

"Better to realise what you really want, before it's all too late. The next thing you know, you'll be attending Mitsuki's wedding and you'll be seeing her in another man's arm, spending their happily ever after"

"For eternity..." He leaned in and whispered in my ear before leaving with a smirk played on his lips.

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