Chapter 84: Trying To Run Away From Love

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"Hey, stay safe." I blushed as I looked away, saying it softly.

He looked at me with his brows furrowed but he nodded.

"You too. Don't get yourself in trouble." He said before we went into our separate cars.

I sat on the driver's seat, watching as his car slowly drove off out of my sight. We didn't really talk about yesterday's night incident, and I don't even want to talk about it. He knows, and he respects that. Everything went smoothly the whole morning. He even let me choose whatever I want to wear, so long it's not too revealing. I don't even wear those stuff. I just wore normal jeans and sweater to start my day. I was surprised he didn't mention the 'washing each other in the showers', and I'm glad he didn't bring that up. Did he forget? It's not like him to forget stuff like this, that dick has one hell of a memory.

I parked my car in front of a house, and I walked up and rang the bell. A blonde woman appeared with a welcoming smile plastered on her face

"Welcome, Miki."


"So, you're having relationships problems again, huh?" She handed me a cup of water.

"Not really. We're not a thing, but it feels like it. It's not like I don't like it or something, it's just that it's wrong, but yet it feels nice." I said.

"I see. Have anyone of you confessed yet?" She asked.

"Yes, he confessed to me."

"And you rejected him."

I nodded.

"You're good at this." I smirked.

"If it succeeds, you wouldn't be here." She exclaimed.


"Why did you reject him?" She raised an eyebrow.

"I don't know. It feels wrong. He doesn't like me at first, and he likes me now cause he knows my real identity."

"So you're feeling insecure?"

"Something like that. He even impregnates a woman, but he denies that it's his, but he has no proved."

"Don't you trust him?" She asked.

"Not really, but I know his character that he'll never do something-"

That's when it hit me.

"You're assuming things than trusting him. I'm sure he's hurt by your words. I know you're scared about this child, but if you love him, you would forgive whatever mistakes he had done in the past. That's what makes love magical."

Oh God

"I never believe in love." I protested.

"And why is that?"

"Love stinks. It can betray you and makes you vulnerable. It gobbles you up and makes you feel weak for a person. Risking their own lives for them. It's so pathetic." I spat.

"True, but think this as a positive side. That person may betray you, but in the end, you'll move on and find someone new. There are many fishes in the sea, but I know it's not easy to let go of someone you love. You have to see things differently." She explained.

"There's this guy I like."

"Really? Tell me more."

"He's nice to me, that's why I like him." I shrugged.

"Love isn't really all about the person treating you nicely."

"Tch, talk about it. The guy who confessed to me treats me like crap!" I scowled.

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