Axel walks away.

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He ignored me like I was his student and he never wanted to say hi first. Professors are usually like that when I was in college. They usually put their heads up and wait for me to say hi. I never do, unless I really loved their subject. 

He was another case. I wasn't his student and he wasn't my professor. We knew each other really well. In a snap, he recovered from being frozen in shock and walked past me. Meanwhile, I was the one who pulled myself together slower.

It's because of three things:

1. I never paid attention and saw him instead, blowing up my cover;

2. He saw me and he didn't say hi;

3. He ignored me and walked away.

A small part of me was irritiated. The bigger one understood why he acted that way.

I try to imagine what he looked like again from the minute we crossed paths again. He still looked like he was fresh from the bathroom. His hair was neatly combed. His polo and slacks looked as if he ironed it in the morning. I stand taller, but his posture was more of a professional and an authority. He wore rounded glasses unlike before, suiting his almost-square jaw. 

I lost all my will to walk in Freedom Park, so I went back to the dormitory instead after buying three small packs of Nips, a whole bar of Hany, and 5 liters of water. A sad heart always needs sweets.

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