Karl is stuck in between.

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The rest of the week passed by quietly, and the following week was as breezy as the weather. I met a new set of tutors and students for my tutoring job, and I was glad that I still retained my Math skills after the break. I also started offering CMSC tutorials as well, since that was my expertise to begin with. I only had one student, and I made sure that he would learn from me the best way I could teach him.

The new set of freshmen were cute as well, reminding me that I was getting older and older. Now that I was a junior, I had a little sense of seniority when I was in Sir Gabe's lecture for CMSC 11.

In my mind, the freshies probably thought, "Hey, he's so cool!" Although that was impossible, since I was just wearing a plain white shirt and maong pants. Was it the beard that grew on me during vacation?

Bullet, one of my new students in my tutoring class, was one of those cute and innocent students (not trying to be creepy, but he is good looking). He was one of those students who looked like it was their first time in the province with his look. He signed up to be one of my students in their introductory Math subject after he failed all of their quizzes so far. 

I hadn't heard from Paula or Axel during the week.

I finally bought a new laptop during the weekend when I realized that I was saving too much that I had enough to buy a decent one. Also an early 18th birthday present for me. I couldn't wait for another two weeks to have my own laptop. Imagine the possibilities I could do--finally start one of the online courses I had been eyeing to for months, watch series on my own big screen, do my assignments and projects in the comfort of my own apartment... even thinking about this would make me have an orgasm.

I bought a Lenovo laptop that was fast enough--I had all the patience in the world except for a slow computer after I became a Computer Science student.

I installed another operating system in my new laptop on a quiet Tuesday night. Our apartment was chilly because of the light drizzle outside. Marvin was out on their first General Assembly of their organization, so I could play my phone on loudspeaker. I was waiting for the installment to finish when I got a text from Paula.

Karl, I need your help and guidance :(

I quickly typed a reply. About?

I'm gonna tell him tonight

I'm sure about it

Call me afterwards

I'm overthinking

He's next to me right now
I can't lie to him anymore

Shhh, deep breaths. You'll be ok

We talked about this

But what if we wouldn't be ok
Fuck I hate myself :(

Paula, you told me this: it's okay to feel. You're just a human.

Aaaaaaaaaa why are you making me cry :((((

Hahahaha just focus on your meeting

An hour had passed, and the drizzle turned into a heavy storm. I got my blanket and wrapped myself while sitting in my monobloc chair. I installed a few programs that were essential for my classes, and logged into my accounts on my browser.

A few minutes after, my phone rang.

It was Axel.

I answered the call. "Hello?"

"Where are you?"

The sound of the rain was loud on his background. But, his raspy voice came through my speakers.

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