Karl sees the light.

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We never spoke again even after we watched Rise of the Guardians, and I never enjoyed the movie while I was constantly thinking on how to approach him again, which was a shame because it seemed like an enjoyable movie.

I sighed. All I did was eat at the popcorn he bought for the two of us that I ended up eating alone. He, on the other hand, ate the sandwiches that I brought instead. With the help of Harry's boiler, I boiled some eggs and mixed mayonnaise and pickles on it. Plus a couple of tomatoes I chopped with the kitchen knife that I borrowed from the nearby canteen.

When we went out of the cinema, he held my wrist again without saying anything. Weird.

I checked my phone to see the time. 6:40. I was still full from the popcorn, but still hoped for a proper dinner.

"Where will we go next?" I asked.

"To see the lights."

"What lights?"

"Just go with me. And don't go too far away from me."


With my free hand, I texted my mother that I would go home late. She might be worried I was abducted by some weird criminal organization. After a few minutes, she replied with: k, pasalubong

When we went out of Glorietta and crossed the underpass, his hand was still firm on my wrist. I wondered if he could hear my heartbeat. Probably. And I kept on thinking how he never cared for the people around him, exchanging looks from us, who were probably thinking that we were lovers. But we were friends--he was overprotective.

"Are you still mad?" I asked.

Street lamps and Christmas lights in the middle of the road illuminated the street with beautiful colors. Makati was still busy and bustling. Some of the buildings had their lights on in their windows. I loved the touch on one building with a giant belen in the middle of their entrance. 

People were going back and forth. We stayed on the side next to the walls of the buildings. I saw ourselves on the reflection and my face instantly heated up. I was next to him and he was next to me. 


"I'm not mad," he spoke. "I'm just worried."

"I know. But I promise I won't get lost again."

"Still. I'm scared."

"Of what?"

"Of being alone in the middle of a crowd."

He walked slowly, and I matched his pace.

"Me too."

"I don't know what will I do if I lose you."

I paused for a second. Suddenly, I became fixated on our shoes. I heard him giggle softly.

"That sounds cheesy."

"It's too early for me emotional, right?"

"I know. It's not midnight, Axel."

"But I'm just saying the truth! I wouldn't survive our course, or UP, without you."

"Thanks. I'm a good spiritual and college guide."

"Would you prefer me being emotional or just plain funny?"

"Hm, depends on the situation."


"Fine. Emotional."

He let go of my wrist and landed his arms on my shoulders. 

"What can you say about our first year in college?" he asked, almost like a whisper.

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