Axel doesn't have a plan.

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I was back in my usual young and naive self when I wore my old white polo, denim shorts, and my worn-out white sneakers while waiting for Karl at the parking lot of the Physical Sciences building. I chose the one under the shade of the Narra tree so our seats wouldn't be a pain to sit on in our trip

For the first time in five years, I felt the heat of Los Baños again--to us students and alumni, the heat in the campus was the literal hell.

I ordered the Cookies and Cream frappucino at Starbucks--a part of the secret menu that Karla and I tried and I couldn't get enough of it in the heat--while I was taking pictures of the big Kapok tree shining with the sunlight.

Students walked in pairs from the Freedom Park in their shorts and comfortable tops. Maybe they came from an organizational activity--a team building, for example. They all looked happy but definitely tired and hot because of the weather. 

Karla--who was still interested in me after almost four months of dating, surprisingly--was unavailable this weekend since she would hang out with her college friends. We were still on the point of getting-to-know-each-other, and honestly, I enjoyed this part of our relationship. Not to mention the sex was phenomenal.

I took this free time to catch up with Karl, who was still busy on his research. I bought him a mango shake, but the last time I checked, the half of the drink melted. I bought him a gift for his birthday next week, which was hidden under my gym bag and my guitar case. 

After a few minutes, I received a text from him: Where are you?

I typed a quick reply: Physci, hbu?

Just packing up. Wait for me.

I grabbed my keys and kept my phone on my pocket.I wore my sunglasses and leaned on the door of my car.

I saw him went out of the building with Sir Gabe, who was holding his bomber jacket on his arms, and Jaycee, who still looked introverted as usual. They were joined by a couple more males and a few females in polo shirts from other institutions. Karl was wearing an ICS faculty shirt paired with his pair of pants from five years ago that still fit him to this day.

He had his usual textured haircut--a high fade that would look better for him if he styled his hair. But that wasn't the usual Karl. He would never spend an extra five minutes for himself and dedicate it to something productive instead.

I called his name, and most of them looked at my direction. I flashed a smile, and I saw Sir Gabe nudge him on his stomach and Karl swatted it away. He waved at the group before they separated and walked towards me.

"Hey, Karl," I greeted. "I have a melted mango shake for you."

"Have you been waiting here the whole time?" he asked. "You could've waited at Cafe Antonio instead."

"Nah. I like nature better."

I handed him the melted drink, and he drank it right away. I opened the door for him. He sat and put his backpack on his lap.

I kept the windows open and turned on the my speakers. I played my OPM playlist for a change.

"Why are you here?" he said after he sipped his drink. "It's so hot in here. You could've stayed in Cafe Antonio and ordered food instead."

"Who said we're going there?"

He glared at me.

I laughed. "What?"

"Where are you taking me?"

I smiled and fastened my seatbelt. "To a coffee shop, of course. We're having coffee, right?"

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