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I dedicate this story to my good friend Shom, a very brilliant writer. I hope you find your home soon. Visit his works at

Thanks to my partner on being inspirational and supportive all throughout my creative process. Without your support and love, I wouldn't be able to finish this novel, let alone start it. I love you so much.

To Fiona and for supporting me and my art. I asked her advice about the ending, and although I didn't go to her suggestion, it was a lot helpful. You are one of reasons why college went fun. Love you so much girl.

To Charles who was the first to sit down and read this story. Really. You're the best. Let's change careers and be writers instead. HAHAHAHA kidding.

And to all the failed relationships and friendships that I had, thank you for creating a deep hole in my heart that inspired me to write scenes to this story. As Sir Ricky Lee said in his numerous talks, you're the bubog I kept on coming back to get myself hurt and use that to propel my writing.

Thank you for being in my life to change me. Without all of you, I wouldn't be able to conceptualize Karl, Axel, and everyone in this story.

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